5 reactions to Nashville Christian school shooter’s leaked manifesto: 'We can handle the truth'

4. Ben Shapiro
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro applauded Crowder for releasing the pages, saying he’d done a “service” to the American people and suggested the writings have been withheld because they don’t serve the narrative the mainstream media wants to promote.
“Crowder has done a service in breaking the Nashville shooter's manifesto. It simply cannot be that every time a mass shooter's manifesto boosts favored media narratives, the manifesto is released — and that when it doesn't, as here, it gets buried,” Shapiro wrote on Twitter.
“If the shooter had targeted black children based on white supremacy, the manifesto would have leaked immediately. But the shooter targeted the school because of ‘white privilege.’ So they tried to memory-hole the whole incident, and retcon the narrative to ‘gun violence.’”
Crowder has done a service in breaking the Nashville shooter's manifesto. It simply cannot be that every time a mass shooter's manifesto boosts favored media narratives, the manifesto is released -- and that when it doesn't, as here, it gets buried.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) November 6, 2023