
Analysis: 8 Reasons Conservative Christians Are Concerned About Their Own Religious Freedom in the Obama Era

5. What Liberals Say

Conservative Christians also worry about their religious freedom because liberals themselves have stated they should not have religious freedom.

New York Times reporter Josh Barro once said that SSM opponents are "unworthy of respect" and should be "ruthlessly" stamped out. While these statements might be dismissed as the ravings of a wacky liberal, and unrepresentative of most liberals, the reactions to his statements are telling. If Barro had made those statements about any other group of people or point of view (blacks, gays, service members, Muslims, etc.), there would have been a national uproar, he would have been expected to offer an apology, and he may have even lost his job. Instead, The New York Times did nothing.

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Other liberals have explicitly argued that gay rights and the religious freedom of conservative Christians cannot coexist in the United States.

Chai Feldblum, a Georgetown University law professor who was appointed to head the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by President Barack Obama, argued in a 2006 interview that liberals should demonstrate a "respectful awareness" of the views of conservative Christians, then added that this view does not represent the majority in her community of fellow liberals. Additionally, she said that when religious liberty and sexual liberty conflict, "I'm having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win."

In a January op-ed condemning RFRA, liberal New York Times columnist Frank Bruni argued that he favored a "live and let live" position while simultaneously arguing for government coercion of conservative Christians. And in a Friday op-ed, Bruni wrote approvingly of a gay philanthropist who told him that conservative Christian leaders "must be made 'to take homosexuality off the sin list.'"

Bruni appears to have no problem with government coercion of conservative Christians, because, in his view, conservative Christians can just become liberal Christians, so everything will be fine.

"But in the end, the continued view of gays, lesbians and bisexuals as sinners is a decision. It's a choice. ... So our debate about religious freedom should include a conversation about freeing religions and religious people from prejudices that they needn't cling to and can indeed jettison, much as they've jettisoned other aspects of their faith's history, rightly bowing to the enlightenments of modernity," he wrote.

To state the obvious (which appears to be necessary for Bruni), if you tell someone you support their religious freedom as long as they change their position to your preferred position, you do not really support their religious freedom. The religious freedoms embodied in the Bill of Rights and RFRA are intended to help a heterogeneous nation manage its differences. If you say, "I support religious freedom as long as everyone believes the same thing," you do not really support religious freedom.

Conservative Christians would prefer the liberals like Bruni honestly state their position up front rather than wrap their intolerance in the language of tolerance.

6. Memories Pizza

After Indiana passed a state RFRA, the liberal press needed a bogeyman, so they went looking for one.

A local South Bend, Ind., reporter went to local businesses with a mic and camera asking the owners how they would feel if asked to cater a same-sex wedding. She found Memories Pizza, whose owners said they would not cater a same-sex weddingdue to their religious convictions.

The story quickly went viral across liberal news sites and was cited as evidence that RFRA encourages discrimination against gays. RFRA, though, had nothing to do with it. Memories Pizza does not cater weddings. It does not deny service to gays. A reporter simply showed up and asked them how they would feel if asked to cater a same-sex wedding. As a result, the owners had to close the business and go into hiding due to death threats.

Scouring liberal news sites, one can find little sympathy for the owners of Memories Pizza, however. (See here for one notable exception.) Conservative Christians look at that and wonder how saying you're opposed to SSM became worse than threatening someone's life.

7. Obama's Indifference

President Barack Obama's indifference to the beliefs of conservative Christians has also been a cause of concern.

Through its birth control mandate, the Obama administration tried (and continues to try in some cases) to force those with religious objections to pay for certain types of birth control, some of which could even cause an abortion.

Besides the fact that Obama did not seem to care how some religions felt about birth control, the move illustrated that he has a narrow view of what religion is. The religious exemption attached to the mandate only applied to a narrow set of groups. Houses of worship were protected, soup kitchens were not. Religious freedom is only for what happens behind the four walls of a church, synagogue or mosque, Obama was saying.

Conservative Christians believe their faith should apply to what they do seven days a week. If you're only willing to give them religious freedom on Sunday morning, you're severely limiting their religious freedom.

8. Republican Leaders are Wimpy

Republican leaders cannot be relied upon to defend the religious freedom of conservative Christians because, as last week's events show, they become wimps whenever the issue of homosexuality enters the mix.

One might think that religious freedom would be easy to defend, given that it is contained in the first words of the Bill of Rights and America has a long history of promoting religious freedom. But when Republican leaders catch even the slightest whiff that they might be accused of being anti-gay for supporting a policy, they quickly fold.

This cowardice was on display, for example, with Republican Gov.'s Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas; Mike Pence, Indiana; and Rick Snyder, Michigan.

Hutchinson decided not to sign RFRA, he says, on the advice of his son, a 31-year-old government employees union organizer. Pence signed an amendment to his state's RFRA that would make it more difficult to bring religious freedom claims to court. And, not to waste time, Snyder announced he would veto RFRA even though his legislature hasn't even passed it.

These governors were cowering, in part, to certain large companies, like Angie's List, Apple and Walmart. It is OK, apparently, for large companies to act upon their convictions in opposing a religious freedom law, but a small family-owned shop opposed to SSM must be put out of business.

(Caveats: None of the previous implies that conservative Christians have never failed to defend the religious freedom of non-Christians. They have. Or that conservative Christians have never bullied or mistreated others. They have. Or that there are not Christians in other nations who do not have it far worse. There are. Or that conservative Christians do not have political resources with which to defend their freedom. They do.)

If you still do not understand why conservative Christians are concerned about their own religious freedom in the Obama era, I encourage you to check out the reactions to this article.

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