Bible prophecy teacher Jimmy DeYoung, who questioned COVID-19 vaccines, dies from virus

Longtime Bible prophecy teacher and radio host Jimmy DeYoung Sr., who questioned whether COVID-19 vaccines are being used as a form of “government control” earlier this year, died Sunday after a weeklong battle with the coronavirus. He was 81.
DeYoung’s death was announced on several social media platforms operated by close friends and family.
“God has called a faithful servant home. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung passed away early this morning at Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga, TN," DeYoung's daughter Jodi wrote in a statement on Facebook Sunday.
"Judy, his loving wife and companion in ministry for over 60 years, was by his side until the very end. He is survived by a large family who loved him dearly. We covet your prayers at this time."
Jody DeYoung assured: “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!!”
DeYoung’s son, Jimmy DeYoung Jr., revealed in a broadcast on Prophecy Today that even though it saddened him to announce his father’s death, he is happy for his “home going.”
“It’s sad. But at the same time, it’s a home going," Jimmy DeYoung stated. "I’m so very happy because now he gets to see Heaven — what he’s been preaching about ... since 1970. I remember when my father was given the job of teaching Bible prophecy, but not to adults. He was given the job of preaching Bible prophecy to young people at the Word of Life Ranch. This was years ago, and he had to develop a simple but understandable way to be able to teach to the young people."
The late DeYoung, who had lived part time in Jerusalem for more than 20 years, worked as a journalist there since the first Gulf War in 1991.
According to Prophecy Today, he also held many staff positions, including staff evangelist, host of Word of Life Inn and producer of radio programs heard worldwide.
He also served as vice president and general manager of New York City's first Christian radio station, WNYM.
According to his website, DeYoung's radio program was heard on over 1,500 stations.
DeYoung Sr.’s death comes after he expressed some skepticism about COVID-19 vaccines in society.
During an interview with Sam Rohrer, president of the American Pastors Network in February, DeYoung asked if it was a “viable possibility that ultimately the government can make this a mandatory vaccine, [so that] everybody has to take it in order to do business, to travel, for whatever reason they want and could this be another form of government control of the people?”
“Yes, it will be a measure of control,” Rohrer responded. “However, I don’t expect immediately that government will mandate the fact that someone may be forced to take something through their skin given by government. What is happening right now, Jimmy, is very, very deceptive."
DeYoung asked a guest on his show in December if the vaccine “could be tied to the mark of the beast in Revelation 13.”
It was unclear Wednesday if DeYoung received a COVID-19 vaccine. His wife, Judy, also contracted the virus, but her condition is reportedly improving.
According to The Chattanoogan, DeYoung was hospitalized on Aug. 7.