Christian Leaders Bitterly Divided Over Kavanaugh Sex Assault Allegations, FBI Probe
5. Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham, CEO and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, centered his criticism on the way Thursday's hearing went.
"Yesterday's hearing was an embarrassment. It was definitely not one of America's better days. Let's pray that our country will do better than this. Judge Brett Kavanaugh said this has ruined his reputation and devastated his family," Graham posted on Facebook on Friday.
"Unfortunately, I'm afraid that is exactly what the minority leadership wanted to do. That's just a shame. The Bible says, 'A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches...' (Proverbs 22:1).
"Pray today for the Kavanaughs, Dr. Ford, and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that this process will come to a conclusion soon."