4 Ways Church Revitalization Is Changing the World

I want to ask you a question that may seem silly and rhetorical: Do you want to be a part of something that is changing the world?
Of course, I know the answer. We all want to be a part of something that makes a difference. We all want to make a difference.
I am absolutely amazed at the transformation taking place in revitalized churches. These congregations were once declining, depressed, and devalued. Now they are thriving, exciting, and impactful. They are literally changing the world for good.
Let me share four of the most obvious ways.
1. Revitalized churches are God's instruments to impact the eternal destiny of people.
One of the revitalized churches of which I am aware had not seen any new Christians in their congregations in years. After the revitalization took place, they began to see people become believers at a pace of about 40 a year! Think about it. Hundreds of eternal destinies shaped over the years by a church that really cares about people spiritually.
2. Revitalized churches are God's instruments to restore families.
Families are the fabric and foundation of our society. When healthy churches are able to give solid biblical teaching on marriage, parenting, and caring for others in our families, it changes the world. When you affect change in families positively, you affect change in the world positively.
3. Revitalized churches are God's instruments to have great community impact.
Government officials are taking notice. When there is presence of one or more healthy churches in a community, the community benefits greatly. I recently spoke to a real estate developer asking me to help locate churches where he is developing planned communities. I am not certain if he is a believer, but I know he sees the great value of healthy churches in communities.
4. Revitalized churches are God's instruments for global impact.
A pastor of a revitalized church spoke with me recently about two families that came to his church shortly after its turnaround. After being in that revitalized church for a couple of years, they both moved out of the country. One of the families became missionaries in Southeast Asia. Another family moved to France with a job relocation. They both share regularly with the pastor how they are making an impact in their new locations. The pastor said they never had such missionaries until the church revitalized and turned around.
When a church moves from poor health to good health, it changes the community. It changes lives. It changes the world.
About a year ago, we offered a detailed resource on revitalizing churches. Jonathan and I have had so many church leaders tell us that the resource was used of God to turn their churches around. That is one of the most rewarding things I hear about this ministry.
This article was originally posted here