'Dirty baker's dozen': 13 companies facilitating sexual exploitation

The social media giant Twitter found itself on the Dirty Dozen List again in 2020.
As media reports suggest that as many as 10 million Twitter accounts might include explicit sexual content, NCOSE contends that Twitter has done “little to stem the overwhelming tide of sex trafficking, prostitution and pornography accounts on its site.”
According to NCOSE, Twitter is used countless times each day to advertise commercial sexual exploitation.
“It has been documented by law enforcement that pimps and sex traffickers often either coerce trafficking or child sexual abuse victims into making such social media or advertising posts or create the posts themselves in their victim’s name,” the Dirty Dozen List explains. “This is what was found to happen on Backpage.com — the notorious classifieds ads website that was recently shut down by the Department of Justice for knowingly facilitating sex trafficking.”
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