Why Donald Trump Cannot Be President

There. I've said it. Donald Trump cannot be president. Evangelicals, conservatives, and Republicans cannot let this happen.
Yes, the man has made many bold statements. He's called attention to plenty of important things.
However, and this is a big however, he very well might make a complete wreck of the Supreme Court if elected.
Four out of the nine current U.S. Supreme Court justices are 77-years-old and older. Historically speaking, there is very little question all four will retire during the next president's first term in office.
The four justices include two liberals — Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer, one conservative — Antonin Scalia, and the chief swinger of the Court — Anthony Kennedy. It's not hard to imagine that the president who replaces these justices will shape the future of the nation for decades to come.
It is absolutely essential that we get this right.
We cannot cavalierly elect a man or woman who does not have the ability to appoint conservative, constitutional experts to our highest court. Donald Trump, unquestionably, does not have this ability. And while I fully support Ted Cruz for president, I would be equally concerned with Trump's judicial nominees no matter who I supported.
Cruz is a constitutional expert; he's spent his entire adult (and teen) life studying our foundational document. He spent years defending the Constitution before the Supreme Court.
Trump, on the other hand has already suggested the type of person he would "love" to appoint to the Court: his sister. Family ties aside, this revelation from Trump is terribly concerning. His sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, is no real conservative.
She recently authored a majority opinion for the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals when it struck down New Jersey's late-term abortion ban. Barry wrote that the law "unduly burdened a woman's constitutional right to obtain an abortion." And still, Trump stated that his sister "would be one of the best" justices on the Supreme Court.
The majority of evangelicals, conservatives, and Republicans believe Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. (Incidentally, so does Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an ultra-liberal.) We cannot ignore Trump's willingness to appoint a justice who believes in a "constitutional right to abortion." Given the revelations of modern science and the justice inherent in basic civil rights, such a position is extreme and dangerous for this nation.
The next president will affect — and almost certainly change — the entire course of our nation. Donald Trump needs to be fired from his front-runner status.