Donald Trump's Election Is God's Answer to Prayers, Anne Graham Lotz Says

Billy Graham's daughter and evangelist Anne Graham Lotz says Donald Trump's win in the 2016 presidential election is a sign that God is answering the prayer of His people, just like He promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Lotz, an author and founder of AnGeL Ministries, spoke to Christian Broadcasting Network on Wednesday to provide her take on the election of the thrice married real estate mogul and reality TV star as the 45th president of the United States.
Lotz noted that Trump's election comes at a time when society as a whole has become increasingly hostile toward religion in the public square and just about "every segment of our national life," adding that it "shows up in our government policy and the division among our people and the anarchy in the streets and the arrogance in our leadership."
"One of the things that is really encouraging is that God's people have seemed to wake up to a degree and God's people have poured out in prayer for this election, seeing that it determines, as Mr. Trump said in his acceptance speech, the destiny of America — if we would continue based on the principles that have governed our country since its inception or if we would go another way to totalitarianism and increasingly socialism," said Lotz, the author of the 2016 book The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations.
"Americans have spoken but I believe God has moved," she said. "I see what happened in this election as being a tremendous movement of God in answer to prayer."
Lotz then turned to scripture to cite the promise that was made in 2 Chronicles 7:14, which states: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
"The most critical thing that people can do: one is to pray, two is to repent of our sin and three is to keep our focus on God," Lotz added. "God is the one who will bring healing. It is not a political party or one particular person. Our faith has to be in God, not in the president-elect. I believe God has answered and I believe He has put Trump in office because the Bible says that God puts the leaders in charge. He can put bad leaders in charge and he can put good leaders in charge. He has put Mr. Trump in charge."
"Now is the time for God's people to double down in our prayers for the president — that God would give him wisdom and strength and courage to do the right thing," she continued. "I pray that Mr. Trump, himself, would turn to God and God would give him all that he needs to lead America for the blessing of the American people."
Although many evangelical and conservative Christians are excited with the fact that Trump won, and most importantly that Hillary Clinton lost, many other Americans have protested in city streets across the country to express their concern, fear and disapproval of the election result.
Lotz said it is now up to Trump to lead America back to strength and help all Americans, even those who voted for Clinton and those protesting in the streets against him, move in an upward direction, not downward. She paraphrased a quote from former President Ronald Reagan to state that there is not a "right or a left" in America, but rather an "up or down."
"If Mr. Trump leads America up in the sense, back to strength, if he brings back jobs, if he secures our border, if he guards religious liberty, if he puts transparency back in government, if he cleans up corruption and his whole list of things, I believe that we are all going to go up," she said. "And so, the people who have been concerned and the people that may be a little frightened, the people who voted against him, the people who were NeverTrump people, they are going to be swept up. So, it would be for their good and their benefit."
She added that she believes that there has "never been so much prayer for an election, ever."
"God obviously moved last night and that was an answer to prayer," Lotz asserted, citing another reference from the Bible.
"When David was anointed king, it said that he knew that God had established him as king for the blessing of the people," Lotz said. "I believe that God has put Mr. Trump in the Oval Office for the blessing of the American people if we continue to seek Him with all our hearts and humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, he says he will hear our prayer, forgive our sin and heal our land."