Drag Queen Calls Christians 'Satan' for Protesting Seattle Gay Pride Parade; Says They're Sinners for 'Wearing Cotton-Poly Blend'

A group of Christians protesting the Seattle gay pride parade as an "abomination" clashed in the streets of that city with a drag queen called "Mama Tits," who dismissed their actions as satanic.
"Not today, Satan. Not today," said the drag queen after telling the Christian group that they were being hypocritical in their application of the Bible. A YouTube video of the encounter posted a week ago has been viewed nearly 1.5 million times.
"Actually, if they followed all the teachings of this book (the Bible) that they use to hate, they themselves are sinners. They are wearing cotton-poly blend — that is an abomination," argued the drag queen pointing to Levitical law in the Old Testament.
"Do you kill your daughters if they have sex out of wedlock? Do you sleep with your wife if she happens to have that time of the month? You're not even allowed to share the bed with her. Should we stone you for that? Why don't you read your own book, and actually follow the teachings to the letter of God and learn to support and love," he continued.
The encounter has since sparked an online debate about the video, specifically concerning biblical knowledge and how Christians should respond to the LGBT community.
"This man is ridiculous, he obviously hasn't studied the New Testament enough. He's comparing apples to oranges. Some of the things he's mentioning are Old Testament laws that have been rendered unnecessary by Jesus' first coming, and some haven't been. Some are New Testament laws too. Horrible misinterpretation," noted commenter Jack Taylor.
Another person commenting under the screen name KRiZZxTV said it was a shame that people were cheering the behavior of the man in drag.
"What has this world come to? We're watching a grown man walking around in dress and heels with 10 pounds of make up on and a wig. Not only that, people are cheering for it. All of you people who love gay rights, this is exactly why gay people are looked at like they are. Because of things like whatever that is with the microphone," said the commenter. "If you guys really wanted to be a part of society and to be looked at as normal and like every other human being, you would think that you would wear normal clothes instead of dressing up like a clown for attention."
There were some people at the parade who told the Christians to be quiet and that they had no right to protest. Commenter Alvar Adamsson, however, was quick to point out that trying to silence Christians for standing up for their faith is un-American.
"Although I agree with what she's saying, the people who are protesting have a right to free speech. The 'progressive' movement expanding in the U.S. right now is scary. Some people who call themselves progressive (I just refer to myself as liberal), are trying to shut people up when they disagree with them. I know she wasn't trying to shut them up, but rather enlighten them. I still feel that these people have a right to say what they want to, no matter how idiotic they are," said Adamsson.