
Episcopalians Begin Fasting Ahead of International Meeting

Anglicans and Episcopalians began a 21-day prayer and fasting initiative Wednesday that will culminate at the upcoming Anglican Consultative Council meeting

Anglicans and Episcopalians began a 21-day prayer and fasting initiative Wednesday that will culminate at the upcoming Anglican Consultative Council meeting, which is slated for June 19-28, 2005.

The plans for the fasting was announced by the American Anglican Council – one of the several grassroots organizations of more conservative Episcopalians who call on the denomination to repent for ordaining an openly homosexual man as bishop.

Since the Episcopal Church ordained the bishop, the international Anglican Communion has nearly split; the conservative Southern hemisphere churches threatened to “eject” the EC(USA) from the communion.

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During a meeting in Northern Ireland earlier in the year, the EC(USA) and the Anglican Church of Canada – whose leaders allowed the blessing of same sex marriage in the church – to step down voluntarily from the June Anglican Consultative Council meeting.

However, despite the international please, both the EC(USA) and the Canadian church decided to attend the gathering as “observers.”

The last day of the fasting ise 21 – the day the two North American churches will be making their presentations to the Council to explain their actions regarding homosexuality.

“Please use this three-week period of time to pray for the meeting and for all those attending the meeting,” the AAC wrote.

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