Francis Chan Talks About 'Two of the Scariest Lies' On Earth Right Now

Francis Chan, pastor and author of the bestseller Crazy Love, addressed two lies that many non-believers hold to be true about God and good deeds.
Chan noted that the lies are taken as reality by people who primarily follow modern cultural ideals, however, for the benefit of their own salvation they need to know the truth, he explains.
"I believe the two scariest lies on the earth right now that are so prevalent are that you are a good person and that because God is a loving God, He will not punish ... every funeral you go to, you hear people say 'he or she was a good person' and we have this belief that we do more good than bad and the reason that's a lie is because God says so," said Chan in a video on
Chan notes that in Romans 3:9, God explains "...All, both Jews and Greeks are under sin, as it is written; none is righteous, no, not one, no one understands, no one seeks for God. All have turned aside, together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one."
Although man may think of themselves as doers of good, God sees sin in them, explained Chan.
"You've got to remember the things God has done in history like when he looked at the world in Genesis 6 and said, 'I am great, look at the world, they're all so evil so I'm going to flood the world and destroy them all,'" said Chan.
He added, "I'm sure there were people back then who said they were good people but God looked down and said, 'there is no one righteous, except for Noah.' That goes with the second lie that is so destructive because people say God can't punish and there's no such thing as hell."
The reason why God would punish, explains Chan, is because He is also a God of justice. Chan also notes that the book of Revelation, speaks of all that God can and will do to bring His wrath to earth.
Chan also spoke about God casting people into the lake of fire, whose name is not found written in the book of life, to make the point that while He is forgiving and merciful, no one escapes His chastisement.
"The book of Revelation speaks about the things that are going to happen so at some point, we've got to question who the authority is," said Chan. "Is it the culture nowadays that says there is no punishment for sin or is it the word of God that explains He really is a God of wrath?"
Chan encouraged individuals to understand that those two lies are contrary to what the Bible says because ultimately, everyone needs salvation, he emphasized.