
Herman Cain still alive with coronavirus despite rumors of death, team confirms

Republican presidential contender Herman Cain addresses campaign supporters during a campaign stop in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 30, 2011.
Republican presidential contender Herman Cain addresses campaign supporters during a campaign stop in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 30, 2011. | (Photo: Reuters/John Sommers II)

Nearly one month since he was hospitalized with COVID-19, former Republican presidential candidate and businessman Herman Cain, 74, is still alive and receiving treatment despite online rumors of his death, his team has confirmed.

“We know it's been a few days since we last gave you an update on the boss. But he is still in the hospital being treated with oxygen for his lungs. In the meantime, the doctors say his other organs and systems are strong,” a statement from Cain’s Twitter account explained Monday.

“Re-strengthening the lungs is a long and slow process, and the doctors want to be thorough about it. We'd like him to be able to come home now, which is frustrating, but we're glad the doctors are being thorough and making sure they do the job right. Thank you for praying, everyone. Please keep doing it. He really is getting better, which means it is working.” 

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The statement comes after a number of posts began popping up on Twitter suggesting that the conservative businessman was dead.

“OK. I heard the rumors that Herman Cain passed away about an hour ago. Have now heard assurances from those closest to him that he’s alive and recovering. Let’s all say an extra prayer for him. Great man,” talk show host Neal Boortz said in a statement on Twitter that was published at the same time as the statement from Cain’s Twitter account Monday.

Herman Cain (C) poses with Black Voices for Trump members at a rally for President Donald Trump in Tulsa, Okl. on June 20, 2020.
Herman Cain (C) poses with Black Voices for Trump members at a rally for President Donald Trump in Tulsa, Okl. on June 20, 2020. | Twitter/Herman Cain

The former presidential candidate’s team announced his COVID-19 infection on July 2, just over a week after attending a rally for President Donald Trump in Tulsa. They also noted that he was being treated at an Atlanta-based hospital and had no idea where their boss, who previously beat cancer, had contracted the virus.

“There is no way of knowing for sure how or where Mr. Cain contracted the coronavirus, but we do know he is a fighter who has beaten Stage 4 cancer,” Cain’s staff said. “With God’s help, we are confident he will make a quick and complete recovery.”

Cain, who is co-chair of Black Voices for Trump, appeared in a June 20 photo with other members of the group at President Trump's rally inside the Tulsa Arena. No one in the photo was wearing a mask or social distancing. Hours before the event, six staff members at the site had tested positive for the virus. Two more advance staffers tested positive after returning to Washington, The Washington Post reported, and dozens of Secret Service agents on the trip were ordered to self-quarantine at home because two of the staff who tested positive in Tulsa were Secret Service employees.

Many thoughts and prayers were offered to Cain as news emerged that he was still hospitalized Monday, including words from “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough, who highlighted how contagious the new coronavirus continues to be during a segment highlighting the life of late Democratic Rep. John Lewis.

“We are seeing again just how contagious COVID-19 is. Speaking of that, the president’s national security adviser has COVID. And we hear right now that Herman Cain is on oxygen about a month after going to that Tulsa event. Our prayers and our thoughts are certainly with him,” Scarborough said.

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