ISIS Forced Woman to Undergo 'Virginity Restoration' Surgery 20 Times After Being Raped by Militants; Girls Stripped Naked and Sold in Sex Slave 'Bazaars'

Islamic State terrorists have allegedly forced an overly abused sex slave to undergo virginity restoration surgery over 20 different times after being raped and sold away to various ISIS fighters, a United Nations official has explained.
Zainab Bangura, a U.N. special envoy on sexual violence in conflict, recently revealed new horrifying details regarding the Islamic State's sex trafficking trade that she discovered through nearly two weeks of interviews in five different countries. She spoke with dozens of females who were capable of fleeing from the wrath of the Islamic State and she came to the conclusion that the raping of women and girls is a "central aspect" to ISIS' jihad.
"ISIL have institutionalized sexual violence and the brutalization of women as a central aspect of their ideology and operations, using it as a tactic of terrorism to advance their strategic objectives," Bangura stated in a media briefing last week.
Bangura, who conducted her interviews and research from April 16 through April 29 in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, offered more insight into the manner in which defenseless girls and women are sold and traded at sex slave "bazaars" and shipped off to other Iraqi or Syrian provinces.
In the bazaars, Bangura said that captured females are stripped from their clothes and nakedly placed on display to be observed by ISIS militants before being purchased or given away.
"Girls are literally being stripped naked and examined in slave bazaars," Bangura asserted. "[They are] categorized and shipped naked off to Dohuk or Mosul or other locations to be distributed among ISIS leadership and fighters."
Before being sold off, females who have already lost their virginity are pressured into undergoing painful hymen reconstruction surgery (hymenoplasty) in order to help "restore their virginity," Bangura added.
She said that one particular woman, who was sold to at least 20 different ISIS fighters during her time in the caliphate, was forced to undergo the surgery each time she was sold to another fighter.
Such a procedure requires putting the women under an anesthetic while the hymen is "repaired" using dissolvable stitches. In cultures where blood is required for proof of virginity, the procedure allows for the sex slaves' skin membrane to break again upon having intercourse for the first time with their new husbands.
Although the hymen can be broken in many ways other than having sexual intercourse, for Islamic marriages, it is often required for the women to show her proof of virginity.
"The purpose of hymen repair is to reconstruct the hymen after it has torn from exercise or injury. In some cultures, hymen reconstruction is sought after for social or religious reasons," states. "In many cases, the vaginal walls are also tightened to restore a 'virgin' physique."
Once females are sold or given away to respective ISIS fighters, they are often subjected to physically brutal sexual abuse. According to a report by the Syrian anti-ISIS activist group, Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, ISIS militants often subject their wives to sexual acts in a "brutal and abnormal manner."
Abu Mohammed, from Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, told the Independent that ISIS fighters have a "brutal instinctive desire for sex." He added that the militants often buy their sex slaves kinky underwear and often purchase erectile dysfunction pills.
"Some women say that foreign fighters are the worst, like monsters," Mohammed said. "Some of them say they're asking for strange things. They're also looking to marry young girls."