
Millions Mark Memorial Day with Church Services, Parades and Solemn Visits

Millions of Americans attended special Memorial Day Sunday services to honor the men and women who placed their lives on the line to defend freedom, on May 29, 2005. The services are part of a host of events - including parades, official ceremonies and solemn visits – that have been prepared for the three-day weekend.

Memorial Day takes place on the last Monday of May, and commemorates the US servicemen and women who died in military service for their country.

This year, President George W. Bush kicked off the nation’s observances with a brief radio address where he saluted US military personnel who died in the line of duty.

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"Our citizens live in freedom because patriots are willing to serve and sacrifice for our liberty," Bush said in his weekly address Saturday. "As we honor the members of our Armed Forces who have died for our freedom, we also honor those who are defending our liberties today."

"We honor them as we continue to wage the war on terror and spread freedom across the world. The people of Iraq and Afghanistan are determined to secure their freedom, and we will help them," Bush said. "We're training Iraqi and Afghan forces so they can take the fight to the enemy and defend their own countries, and then our troops will return home with the honor they have earned."

On Monday, Bush will visit the Arlington National Cemetery near Washington where more than 260,000 military veterans “who have made the ultimate sacrifice” are buried.

Memorial Day began as a day to honor soldiers who died in the American Civil War, but has now become a day to celebrate those who died in all battles, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Most church observances were marked with the reading of the names of those who died in battle within the last 12 months.

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