Parents detail daughter's demonic oppression after swimming in pool where satanists worshiped

The parents of a young girl who was demonically oppressed when she was 4 years old detailed their experiences in a podcast with former Planned Parenthood director-turned-pro-life advocate Abby Johnson.
In a recent episode of Johnson’s “Politely Rude” podcast, a couple, identified as Dawn and Mike, shared their daughter's horrifying ordeal.
According to the couple, several years ago, after a Bible study, a friend invited the family to a relative's home for a swim around the July 4th holiday, unaware that a satanic church had worshiped on that property and in the pool.
Soon after they left, the couple noticed a bizarre change in their daughter Lauren's behavior, namely that she stopped talking for seven weeks and quit using the right side of her body.
Listen to more episodes of the 'Politely Rude' podcast on the Edifi Podcast Network
“Her demeanor changed,” Dawn recounted of her daughter's bizarre behavior. “She didn’t seem sick, she just seemed — like she wasn’t smiling, she wasn’t animated. Not laughing. Just sort of dull.”
Dawn called a speech pathologist who speculated that maybe she had been abused. However, after ruling that out due to being careful with whom their daughter spent time with, they took her to a doctor who scheduled an MRI, which came back normal.
As Lauren’s disposition worsened, the couple reached out to their pastor, who was “aware” of the satanic church that met on the property where the family had swum.
Dawn said her pastor didn't believe Lauren was demonically possessed but instead was “oppressed” by a demonic spirit. At the pastor’s insistence, the couple prayed in Jesus' name over Lauren one night while she was asleep.
The next morning, “Lauren ran down the stairs laughing, smiling, and she came into the kitchen and said, ‘Momma, can I have princess cereal please?’” Dawn recalled, celebrating that she was “back to normal.”
“No problems with her [right] arm. No problems with her demeanor, her attitude,” Mike explained. “She was happy, she was go-lucky, she was talkative. After we prayed and laid hands on her, prayed in the Name of Jesus against demonic oppression or attack, the next day she woke up, she was back to herself like nothing had happened.”
The couple contrasted their experiences with Lauren to their experiences with their son, who has had a lifetime of serious medical issues, in which many doctors concluded that he would not live.
Despite the pessimism from experts, the couple was pleased to report that their son had been mostly healed and was an adult, who had some lingering medical issues, but was otherwise well.
Johnson asked the couple, who credited God for how well their son was doing, if they felt that experiencing such miracles was why their daughter was targeted.
Dawn responded that her pastor “mentioned” this as a possibility, adding that she had found it strange that the demonic oppression did not strike her or her son, even though both had also been at the pool.
The pastor believed that Dawn was spared because “your faith was strong” while her son was spared because “the devil already tried messing with him,” which left her daughter, who the clergyman described as “the weakest one.”
“Demons like to attack people who stand for God,” said Mike. “They don’t care about people who aren’t walking with God; they don’t care about the one that doesn’t know Jesus.”
“If you don’t walk with the Lord, you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; they don’t care about you because they’re already in [Satan’s] back pocket. … The ones that are telling people about God are the ones that threaten Satan, threaten the demons.”
In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion and debate within Evangelical circles about the validity of claims that people can be possessed by demons or if Christians can be oppressed by dark forces.
Last November, evangelist Ray Comfort told CBN News that while “I don’t believe a Christian can be demonically possessed,” he did believe that a Christian could be oppressed by a demon.
“We all have battles with demonic forces, with thoughts in our head. But when someone becomes a Christian, they are set free,” said Comfort at the time.
“If you're in Satan’s territory — if you’re lying, or stealing, or looking at porn, or blaspheming and doing things you know are morally wrong — you’re opening the door; you’re giving foothold to the devil.”