Perry Noble Lists 4 Reasons Donald Trump Will Win Republican Nomination

NewSpring megachurch Pastor Perry Noble has listed four reasons why he believes Donald Trump is on the verge of clinching the Republican presidential nomination, noting that unlike his rivals, he shows leadership and delivers a clear message.
Noble, who ahead of the South Carolina primary in February told his congregation that Trump "is NOT the best choice among the current candidates," and seemed to encourage Christians to reconsider voting for the billionaire businessman, said on Facebook Tuesday that his list of reasons is not an endorsement of Trump, but rather an observation.
For the first main reason, Noble wrote that Trump's "message is clear."
"What does Donald want to do? 'Make America Great Again!' He says this over and over, and people know what he is running on," the megachurch pastor wrote.
"Question: What is [Ted] Cruz's message? (Sound of crickets) What about [John] Kasich? (Anyone … anyone … Bueller …)"
He noted that other successful campaigns in the past, such as President Barack Obama in 2007, have also had clear messages, such as "hope and change."
"If we want to become great leaders then there must be time invested in making our message clear, concise and consistent," he added.
Noble insisted that he is not trying to "tear down" Cruz and Kasich, but accused them of lacking vision and purpose.
"When the stated goal is 'beat Trump' but there is, once again, no purpose or vision tied into what they want to do — then — all we know is what they are against, not what they are for," he said.
"And, honestly, I believe we are seeing their campaigns ravel right in front of our eyes because they have become obsessed about beating a person rather than declaring their vision with such conviction that people feel compelled to vote for them."
The pastor argued that it is important for church and business leaders to spend more time "trying to clearly, and with conviction, share what we are for, what we want to accomplish rather than tearing into the competition."
For the third reason, he argued that Trump's rivals are playing his game.
"I've had a Twitter war or two in my life," Noble wrote.
"However, the one guy I would not want to fight with online is The Donald. He's quick witted — and yet Cruz and Kasich keep trying to dive into Donald's strength — and while they think they are doing well all they are really doing is allowing their followers access to his platform."
Finally, Noble suggested that Trump is not obsessed with his reputation.
"Donald's give a darn is busted — he's real, and, even if you don't like what you see — there seems to be very little to hide," the pastor wrote.
"Cruz & Kasich seem to be in reputation defense mode a lot — they say they don't want to play the role of the 'average politician,' but when you close your eyes and listen they really do sound like the same ole' stuff we've been hearing from Washington for decades."
Noble argued that leaders need to be "way more obsessed with who we are becoming rather than who people perceive us to be."
Trump edged ever closer to securing the GOP nomination Tuesday night after he won all five states in the primaries of the night, sweeping Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.
Trump displayed that confidence in his post-victory statement, when he said: "It's over. As far as I'm concerned, it's over."
"You know I went to the best schools. I'm like a very smart person. I'm going to represent our country with dignity and very well," he told supporters in New York, according to BBC News.
"But I don't really want to change my personality. You know, it got me here."