8 Powerful Pro-Life Messages From House Members Investigating Planned Parenthood

Now that the House and Senate have passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, all eyes are on President Obama. Will he bolster his pro-abortion record by vetoing this legislation supported by a majority of Americans?
Even if a presidential veto is forthcoming, it will not be the end. Congress has been ramping up its investigation into the ethics and legality of major abortion industry corporations — Planned Parenthood foremost among them — through the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives.
"We are charged with gathering information and conducting fact-finding to get answers," stated Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), who recently named pro-life stalwart March Bell as Staff Director of this select committee.
Blackburn leads the investigative panel of pro-life members — four women and four men — joined by six pro-choice members of Congress.
"We will follow the law, find the facts and focus on where those facts take us in defense of life," she concludes.
Formed after the release of the Center for Medical Progress undercover videos, now the panel's eight pro-life members speak up for the sanctity of every life in the following video messages.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn Upholds Medical Ethics in a Culture of Convenience
Mother of two and grandmother of two, Rep. Marsha Blackburn has strong support in her home state of Tennessee—and in Washington has been known for her effective role on several committees, notably related to ensuring quality health care for those in need.
"Science shows us these are not blobs of tissue; they are babies," Blackburn said of pre-born lives in a recent House floor speech.
Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. from Maryland Speaks Up for Life
Lending his medical expertise to the investigation, Dr. Andy Harris (R-Maryland) makes it clear that the practices seen in the abortion industry aren't up to clinical standards.
"I gave anesesthia to women giving childbirth," he says before presenting his concerns. "Planned Parenthood is for profit, not for women. The war on women is happening in Planned Parenthood clinics every day."
Rep. Mia Love Finds a Way to the Heart of the Issue
The first black Republican woman in Congress, Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah) frequently frames the abortion debate in terms of Americans' guaranteed rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
A mother of three, Love spoke out recently saying: "This is not about a Right or Left issue. This is right or wrong — and whether we are going to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves."
Reality TV Star Rep. Sean Duffy Spotlights Reality of Abortion Industry
Formerly a contestant on MTV's The Real World, now Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin) and his wife Rachel raise seven children in their home state of Wisconsin.
"How could anyone defend the practices of Planned Parenthood: harvesting body parts?" Duffy asks pointedly. "This isn't about babies, this is about money."