This week in Christian history: St. Patrick dies, Princeton rescinds prize for Tim Keller
Princeton rescinds prize for Tim Keller – March 22, 2017

This week marks the anniversary of when Princeton Theological Seminary rescinded a prize it was to give to pastor and author Timothy Keller due to his theological views.
Princeton had initially decided to award Keller the Abraham Kuyper Prize for Excellence in Reformed Theology and Public Life for his contributions to advancing a Neo-Calvinist vision of religious engagement in matters of social significance.
However, some alumni complained about Keller receiving the honor given that he belonged to the Presbyterian Church in America, a denomination that prohibits the ordination of women and opposes homosexuality.
In a letter, Seminary President M. Craig Barnes announced that, after talking with Keller and other parties involved, it was agreed to rescind the Kuyper Prize while still having the pastor give the official lecture.
“We are a community that does not silence voices in the church. In this spirit we are a school that can welcome a church leader to address one of its centers about his subject, even if we strongly disagree with his theology on ordination to ministry,” wrote Barnes.