Equity: The deadliest enemy of humanity
The greatest enemy of sinful humanity is not fanatical dictators or terrorist groups with nuclear weapons. It is equity.
The Christian Post
Skip to main contentThe greatest enemy of sinful humanity is not fanatical dictators or terrorist groups with nuclear weapons. It is equity.
Christmas carries a message that transcends circumstances. It is a season of promises — God’s promises to the poor.
I received a Christmas bonus from my company and feel led to give to the Lord first. With so many places to give and so many requests this time of year, I’m having a hard time knowing which are reputable, trustworthy, and safe. I want to give before year-end for tax purposes. Does Crown have any guidelines?
What she learned working in one of the orphanages broke our hearts and permanently changed how we care for children in our mission work.
Even if the entire world denies that marriage matters, Christians cannot.
The dirty little secret about socialism is that it fails every time.
The majority of African Christians are now more interested in getting their earthly problems solved than they are in getting their spiritual problems solved by the power of the Gospel.