
'Banshee' Season 4 News: EP Talks About Finishing Lucas' Story

With the final season of "Banshee" currently ongoing, fans are curious to know more about what the upcoming episodes will bring to the characters of the series.

The season began with Lucas Hood, played by Antony Starr, presented with new problems after returning to Banshee. With that, the character struggled to rekindle his relationships with his friends, since he disappeared for two years.

With that, the executive producer of the series, Jonathan Tropper, explained to Collider that the upcoming episodes will find a way to tie up the loose ends of several relationships. He teased that the characters' conflicts will be the center of the rest of the season.

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He said, "We'd already spent 30 episodes with these people, and now it was time to really see where this all unwinds. So, I think Season 4 is a more tense season, a more suspenseful season, and a more character-driven season. We certainly have some action sequences, but there's less of a focus on building out those action sequences."

He also explained that while they would have enjoyed exploring different endings to the show, they faced some obstacles such as financial hindrances. Because of that, they wanted to make the eight episodes of "Banshee" season 4 rich in character development.

Because of that, fans will get an opportunity to really explore Lucas' character. He said, "The whole show is about him trying to figure out who he is. The first thing he did when he got out of prison is become someone else he isn't. At what point does this guy actually figure out who he is? He runs around like a tough guy and like he knows what he's doing, but when you strip away all the action, when he's not acting, he doesn't know who he is."

"Banshee" Season 4 airs every Friday night on Cinemax.

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