
'Better Call Saul' Season 2 Episode 6: Better Call Saul; Kim Is Breaking Bad

Kim Wexler (Rhea Seehorn) has hauled out her devious alter ego, Giselle St. Clair, to pull a con on an unsuspecting engineer who hits on her at a bar. She had used the name only once before when she had worked on her first mark with Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk), albeit hesitatingly, at his insistence. "Better Call Saul" season two episode six showed a curious change in Wexler's character, from hardworking, go-to litigator at Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill to smooth and slick "Slippin' Kimmy."

Someone better call Saul.

Her uncharacteristic move into "crookdom" has long-time fans of AMC's crime drama series wondering if she is not following in Jimmy's footsteps, slowly and surely striding down the path into the shady world of ex-cons and petty criminals, and with a satisfied look on her face as when she walked away with a $10,000-dollar check made out to a non-existent Ice Station Zebra Associates in which she had convinced the dined-and-wined engineer to invest in, with the help of Jimmy---this time at her solicitation.

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Viewers ask whether this was the beginning of a new life of crime for Kim, or merely just a desire to get away from it all, with the cold and silent treatment she has been getting from her boss, Howard Hamlin (Patrick Fabian). The con she perpetrated may have been an attempt to escape the feelings she has of being unappreciated and undervalued at HHM, after all, she did singlehandedly dispatch the Sandpiper trial. And the offer from Mr. Rich Scweikart, head partner at Schweikart & Cokely, which was the competing team at the Sandpiper trial, must be looking pretty tempting, after all the flattery she got.

Along this line, Gennifer Hutchison tells Variety that Kim's actions may have a lot to do with the pressure she is getting at work.

"… She's worked hard and she's followed the rules and she has someone stopping her really because of emotion and ego … I do feel like that's motivating her and I feel like her moment at the bar and deciding to start this con, is one of those moments like, "When was the last time I felt good? It was when I was running that scheme with Jimmy. Alright, screw it." (And she goes for it.) …It's not really the right decision, but …"

As season six of "Better Call Saul" reached its halfway mark, it is something to ponder on whether the transition of Jimmy into Saul Goodman is near at hand and if Kim's turning point is also the show's.

The show was renewed for a third season with ten episodes last March 15 while the seventh episode for the present ten-episode season comes around on March 28.

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