
'Final Fantasy XV' Coming to PS4 and Xbox One This September: Release Schedule, Updates and New Animation Tech

Gamers are sure to drool again over the up and coming release of Square Enix's hit "Final Fantasy XV," which was hyped during Siggraph 2016 for reasons of its new rendering tricks and advanced technology employed to make the game look as good as it does.

"Final Fantasy XV" is yet to launch PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and currently scheduled for a simultaneous release worldwide on September 30. This newcomer shares connected storyline with other earlier franchise releases including "Final Fantasy XIII" and "Final Fantasy Type-0." Another major distinction from previous games is the darker atmosphere that showcases realistic environments and human compared to characters that seems like demigods in the other series.

The storyline sets on a place called Eos, a world similar to modern-day Earth. All the world's countries are under the total control of the empire of Niflheim. Noctis Lucis Caelum, heir to the Lucian throne, goes on a quest to retake his homeland Lucis, the remaining independent but struggling country. The objective is to retake a magical crystal after it was stolen by Niflheim during a failed peace negotiation between the two nations. The game features an open-world environment and action-based battle system similar to the "Kingdom Hearts" series and Type-0, incorporating the ability to switch weapons and other elements such as vehicle travel and camping.

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Meanwhile, a better version of "Final Fantasy" is very much anticipated and shares good reviews from metacritics since it took ten years for Square Enix to develop the game. Even its predecessor in PlayStation 3-exclusive "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" is already approximately ten years in the market. In 2012, the manline title was rebranded and shifted to eighth generation platforms.

Final Fantasy XV boasts real-time scenes, thanks to five million polygons per frame technology developed by Luminous Studio. Even the characters are sure to be eye candy because of 100,000 polygon composition each. In an attempt to make the characters life-like, the developers incorporated a near-accurate 600 bones per character, estimated as roughly 10-12 times more than seventh generation hardware. The setback for this technology is the load of 30 megabytes of texture data.

Comparatively, seventh-generation games used 50 to 100 MB of texture data for a scene while "Final Fantasy XV" can use about sixteen times this amount on the PlayStation 4 console although the advantage for gamers is the capability to use TrueHD on cinema-wide monitors with 2048×2048 and 4096×4096 texels capability.

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