
MacBook Air 2017 Rumors: Laptop to Be Discontinued as Apple Goes Full-Pro?

It looks like the MacBook Air 2017 might not see the light of day, especially with what Apple has been doing in its notebook department.

The MacBook Air is known for its lightness and portability. This is its main selling point and its distinction from the MacBook Pro.

However, the new MacBook Pro released last October, which was thinner than the current MacBook Air and was also smaller in dimensions compared with the previous iterations of Pro laptops.

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Apple has also discontinued the 11-inch MacBook Air and has bumped up the price of the 13-inch version. It is believed that this is the company's way to write off the product.

Another reason that Apple could be ditching the MacBook Air 2017 is that the company is revamping its line to make it completely Pro.

The iPad Air 3 is no longer expected to come out and the tech giant will instead release a new iPad Pro that inherits its core specifications and features.

The same could be said with the MacBook Air 2017. With the latest MacBook Pro already around, releasing the MacBook Air will be redundant.

One of Apple's known upgrades or innovations to its products is slimming them down. The MacBook Pro from October 2016 already has the thinness and the portability that the MacBook Air 2017 is expected to offer.

Apart from the MacBook Pro, the iPad Pro also appears to be making the MacBook Air obsolete. Apple CEO Tim Cook went so far as to say that the tablet could replace the notebook or the desktop.

When the iPad Pro was released, he said via Telegraph, "I think if you're looking at a PC, why would you buy a PC anymore? No really, why would you buy one?"

"Yes, the iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or a desktop for many, many people. They will start using it and conclude they no longer need to use anything else, other than their phones," he went on to say.

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