In everything, strive for the secret things of God

God has kept certain things secret and reveals them to those who make deliberate effort to have them. It is the glory of God to hide things from us and the honor of men to discover that which the Lord has hidden (Proverbs 2:25).
Why our lives should experience grief is oftentimes a mystery to us. Persecution, famine, deaths, natural and man-made disasters have overwhelmed the world and there are so many questions as to why God should allow such calamities to befall humanity. We so often trouble ourselves with questions that remain within the secret knowledge and providence of God, but we neglect the secrets which can be revealed to us if we diligently seek God.
First, we must humble ourselves before Him. Humility is non-negotiable. We throw away every human calculation and ask God to help our helplessness. “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way” (Psalm 25:9). As soon as we can understand the ways of God, life becomes meaningful, and anxiety gives way to divine peace. Walking and working in God's way will certainly end in joy and peace no matter the roughness of the road.
Instead of complaining, believers should spiritually investigate why God has permitted certain things to happen to them. There are certain things that are not palatable to us but were ordained by God to end in His glory. Understanding this is a sure way of living a fulfilled life even in the most difficult times. My faith was bolstered after I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. The Mystery of the Cross was a revelation that gave me the solution to all my problems in life. It helped me understand that I am not only called to believe in Christ but also to partake in His suffering. This revelation gave answers to all my questions and grumblings. It strengthened me against all of my negative thoughts about suffering, persecution, shame, and reproach. I can see again why I should deny myself and cherish the Cross as I wait for the glory that will be revealed.
God’s covenant is revealed to those who access His secrets. “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant” (KJV Psalm 25:14). The fear of God is a prerequisite, and having a deep reverence and awe of God’s power and authority opens the door for a deeper understanding of the knowledge of God.
Paul is a case in point. He was able to accomplish so much in ministry and preached the Gospel faithfully because of the mystery that was revealed to him (Romans 16:25). God’s people are destroyed every day for lack of knowledge. Spiritual intelligence is a necessity if we are to navigate through the obstacles and challenges of life.
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” We do not know the time of the end of the world. Why God has decided to keep it a secret is best known to Him. He has kept the knowledge of the times and seasons in his own power for His glory. There are certain secrets that we cannot access. But there are others that He is willing to reveal to us when we search for it in faith.
Oscar Amaechina is the president of Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network, Abuja, Nigeria. His calling is to take the gospel to where no one has neither preached nor heard about Jesus. He is the author of the book Mystery Of The Cross Revealed.