5 biblical tips to help you learn from your doubts

Have you ever felt lost or unsure about your faith in Christianity?
No matter who you are or how long you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior, doubt will creep into your life when you least expect it.
It’s important to remember that Christians, just like anyone else, might have moments of uncertainty. In fact, many believers find themselves grappling with questions about their faith at some point in their Christian walk. These doubts may stem from intellectual challenges or personal experiences, and they can be unsettling, sometimes leading to a crisis of faith.
Doubt often starts with small questions or uncertainties about God’s goodness or His plan for your life. Perhaps a prayer goes unanswered, or a challenging situation leads to questioning God’s faithfulness. Over time, these passing thoughts can take root and subtly erode the firm foundation of trust you have in God. But by embracing these moments of doubt and seeking understanding, you can strengthen your faith and come out the other side with a deeper understanding of what you believe as a Christian.
In his classic work, The Reason for God: Belief in the Age of Skepticism, the late Dr. Tim Keller offered a noteworthy observation about doubt. “A faith without some doubts is like a human body without any antibodies in it. People who blithely go through life too busy or indifferent to ask hard questions about why they believe as they do will find themselves defenseless against either the experience of tragedy or the probing questions of a smart skeptic. A person’s faith can collapse almost overnight if she has failed over the years to listen patiently to her own doubts, which should only be discarded after long reflection.”
It is essential for Christians to recognize that doubt is not sinful but rather an opportunity to develop your faith in God. However, before long, if your doubts go overlooked, they can rob you of your peace and joy and strip you of any confidence you once had in God and the Bible.
Here are five biblical tips to help you learn from your doubts without hindering your growth in Christ.
- Grow in your knowledge: If you’re struggling to find clarity in your faith, it’s vital to take the time to explore the Bible and its historical context. Engage in theological discussions, participate in Bible studies, and seek guidance from trusted individuals to help you navigate any uncertainties.
- Engage with Apologetics: Apologetics provides intellectual support for Christian beliefs by addressing questions related to the existence of God, the trustworthiness of Scripture, and historical evidence for Jesus’ life and resurrection, among others. I recommend you read these apologetic books: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Geisler and Turek), Stand Strong in Your Faith (Jimenez and McFarland), Wandering Toward God (Dickinson), On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision (Craig), and Confronting Christianity (McLaughlin).
- Connect with a Bible Group: I can’t tell you how meaningful it is to surround yourself with like-minded Christians who seek to challenge, encourage, and strengthen one another in the Christian faith. There have been periods in my life when I needed to lean on a few mature Christians and engage with them in open and honest dialogue to work through a series of doubts.
- Reflect on God’s goodness: Take a moment to reflect on your personal experiences with God. Remember the times when your prayers were answered, and you felt a deep spiritual connection with your Creator. These moments can strengthen your faith and remind you of the faithfulness and goodness of God. Psalm 145:5-7, “On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.”
- Remain steadfast: Keep in mind that faith is not a static endpoint but rather a continuous journey. Encountering doubts is a natural part of living on this earth, and it’s through these trials that your faith has the opportunity to evolve and mature. The apostle Peter illustrated it this way, “For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:5-7).
The struggles and doubts we face on our faith journey are a natural and inevitable part of spiritual growth and development. It is crucial to remember that seeking truth and understanding, although accompanied by challenges, is an ultimately fulfilling and enriching endeavor. These hurdles only serve to fortify and deepen our faith and resolve. Therefore, it is essential to persevere, persistently seeking wisdom and understanding, assured that your dedication will yield invaluable rewards.
Jason Jimenez is president of STAND STRONG Ministries, a faculty member at Summit Ministries, and the author of Challenging Conversations: A Practical Guide to Discuss Controversial Topics in the Church. For more info, check out www.standstrongministries.org.