5 reasons why women should marry

Once upon a time, little girls dreamed of their wedding day, imagining themselves in white dresses, carrying flower bouquets, and walking down the aisle to meet the man of their dreams. It was a fairytale vision of love and companionship. But in today’s world, that dream has morphed into what many women now see as a nightmare.
Today’s woman instead dreams of becoming a CEO, social media influencer, celebrity, or “boss babe” in her own right. The allure of corporate power and personal independence has overshadowed traditional marriage and family aspirations.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median age for first marriages for women has climbed to 28.6 years, a record high. Research from the Pew Research Center indicates that two-thirds of women (66%) prioritize their careers, with 77.8% of mothers with children under 18 in the workforce, compared to 47% in 1975.
Whether it’s pursuing further education as a preparation for a career or the influence of social media, both have contributed to women’s declining interest in marriage. As of January 2023, women represent 54% of social media users, engaging the platform 2.8 times more than their male counterparts.
Historically, a woman received attention from a close circle of three to eight friends, with only a small number being male. Today, a woman can effortlessly capture unprecedented male attention — once reserved for the famous — directly through her smartphone. Now, by sharing captivating images on social media, she can garner thousands of likes, hundreds of comments, and ongoing messages from men around the globe.
With these social media platforms, she experiences a dopamine rush previously unmatched in her everyday social interactions. This new reality diminishes her dependence on in-person social interactions with men, intensifying her addiction to cell phones as social media promptly gratifies her needs and desires.
If current trends continue, Morgan Stanley predicts that by 2030, 45% of women between the ages of 25 and 44 will be single and childless. These trends highlight significant shifts in societal norms but underscore the importance of understanding marriage’s profound benefits.
In fact, women should marry, and here are five compelling reasons, all grounded in biblical truth and supported by statistical evidence, why.
1. Emotional and psychological support
Marriage provides a unique and vital companionship, offering emotional support crucial for well-being. Having a partner to share life’s joys and challenges can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness and stress, providing a reliable support system. Married women often report higher levels of life satisfaction, lower rates of depression and anxiety, and increased self-esteem compared to their single counterparts.
Women, designed by God to seek emotional and psychological support, naturally gravitate towards men who can provide this stability and security. This inclination is deeply rooted in ensuring a safe environment, not only for the woman but also for raising children. Biblical wisdom highlights the importance of a husband embodying masculine traits such as provision and protection, particularly during vulnerable periods like pregnancy and childrearing.
Scripture clearly instructs husbands in this way, “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
This verse is a strong reminder to husbands about the essential support their wives deserve through love and care. It highlights the need for understanding and consideration, honoring the covenantal partnership that marriage was created to be. When husbands embrace this mindset, they support their wives, boosting their emotional well-being. This mutual respect and support in marriage not only fortifies the relationship but also creates a nurturing atmosphere where women can thrive.
A compendium of research over the years has found that married women report lower levels of stress and higher levels of emotional support compared to single women. Additionally, married women have a 20 percent lower risk of developing depression.
2. Personal and spiritual growth
Marriage is a powerful journey that promotes both personal and spiritual growth. It pushes us to develop key virtues like patience, selflessness, and humility — qualities that are crucial for growth and maturity. Research shows married people are happier, more satisfied with their lives, and more confident.
Additionally, marriage creates a sacred space for couples to grow spiritually as they face life’s challenges. It’s a chance to deepen love, practice forgiveness, and cultivate understanding — qualities that reflect God’s character.
Ephesians 5:25–27 reads,
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”
Marriage provides a supportive space for a woman to thrive, where her husband is called to encourage her growth in God’s Word.
What are the benefits for a woman committed to a marriage centered on spiritual growth? According to the National Marriage Project, married women are more likely to engage in regular religious activities and report higher spiritual well-being, leading to overall personal growth and life satisfaction. Marriage presents opportunities for personal and spiritual transformation as couples work towards building a strong and enduring union rooted in Christ’s love.
3. Economic well-being
Marriage often leads to greater financial stability and economic security. Couples can pool resources, share responsibilities, and plan for their future together, making it easier to achieve financial goals. Additionally, studies show that married women earn more than their single counterparts and have a lower poverty rate.
In marriage, the union of two people creates a more extensive network of support and connections. Couples can build wealth together and achieve financial success by sharing expenses and contributing to household income. This economic stability fosters a sense of security and peace of mind, enabling women to concentrate more effectively on their personal development as well as their marriage and family aspirations. Married women also have more financial and time margins which is critical if a woman wants the choice to stay home with her children or oversee their education, support her church and community, and eventually help care for aging parents and grandchildren.
Married women reap significant financial rewards compared to their single peers. In 2021, married couples boasted a median household income of $91,162, while single women earned just $41,797 — a clear income gap. This advantage extends to wealth-building too; in 2019, married couples had a median net worth surpassing $200,000, while single women held only $47,000. This stark contrast shows that married women enjoy not just higher incomes but also greater overall wealth, underscoring the financial stability that a committed marriage can provide.
4. Family legacy
In addition to honoring God as a reflection of Christ and the Church, marriage’s fundamental purpose is to create a robust and enduring family legacy. Marriage provides a stable foundation for raising children in a loving and committed environment, promoting their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Research shows that children from intact marriages have better outcomes in life, including higher academic achievement, a lower risk of substance abuse, and a reduced likelihood of teenage pregnancy. In contrast, children from single-parent households often face greater challenges related to socio-economic factors and parental involvement.
Findings from the Institute for Family Studies indicate that children raised in married households generally perform better academically and exhibit fewer behavioral problems, underscoring the benefits of a stable family structure.
Furthermore, marriage allows couples to pass on their values, traditions, and faith to the next generation. Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
5. Mutual joy
Individuals who seek marriage do so for the joy it provides. This joy is a significant advantage of marriage, serving as a fundamental pillar for both partners’ emotional well-being and happiness. In a loving marriage, women often experience a shared joy that comes from celebrating accomplishments, creating cherished memories, and navigating life’s challenges together.
A spouse’s support amplifies moments of happiness, making ordinary experiences feel extraordinary. This bond fosters an environment where both partners can express their interests, dreams, and excitement, enriching their lives. Furthermore, engaging in shared activities — whether it be family traditions, hobbies, or spiritual practices — cultivates a lasting joy rooted in togetherness.
God created marriage as a divine institution for His glory and the couple’s happiness. Psalm 126:3 reminds us, “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.”
A marriage grounded in faith and love can lead to abundant joy that resonates throughout the entire family. Such mutual joy not only enhances relational satisfaction but also contributes positively to mental well-being, making it a vital aspect of women’s experiences in marriage.
Scripture makes it clear: “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).
Just as my previous article “Five Reasons Men Should Marry” encouraged men to take responsibility for this issue, I challenge women to do the same. Our culture increasingly questions and even ridicules marriage. Feminism has prompted women to adopt traditionally masculine roles in education and careers, often forcing them to choose between professional success and a fulfilling, lasting marriage.
Today, the archetype of the woman seeking marriage has evolved into the ambitious “boss babe” or “influencer” focused on achieving the next level of business success or personal “empowerment.”
Against this context, we should recognize that embracing marriage is a courageous act that demands nurturing, compassion, strength of character, and resilience — qualities that truly define femininity.
From a biblical perspective, marriage is a sacred vocation. Women are called to nurture their families and embody Christ’s love. Thriving marriages enrich couples’ lives and serve as a testament to God’s love and faithfulness.
As we confront a world that often devalues marriage, women must champion this sacred institution, which upholds God’s design and serves as the cornerstone of societal well-being. Let’s honor the institution of marriage and remain steadfast in our dedication to this beautiful calling.
Originally published at the Standing for Freedom Center.
Virgil L. Walker is the Executive Director of Operations for G3 Ministries, an author, and a conference speaker. He is the co-host of the Just Thinking Podcast. Virgil is passionate about teaching, disciple-making, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Virgil and his wife Tomeka have been married for 26 years and have three children. Listen to his podcast here.