Steph Curry, abortion and the Woke NBA

With all of the things impacting our inflation-ridden, more racially divided, and public-school-failing society, Steph Curry’s highest priority is … abortion. Tragically, the NBA All-Star and Olympic champion, spared from the violence of abortion himself, doesn’t believe that millions of others deserve the same opportunity to live out their God-given purpose. Curry, an ardent Democrat supporter and celebrity at DNC conventions, recently told CNBC that he endorses Kamala Harris and that abortion is “at the top of the list for me.”
A professing (seemingly cultural) Christian, Curry wasn’t always so vocally pro-abortion. In a 2022 article, Curry told Rolling Stones magazine “that he considers himself neither pro-choice nor pro-life.” Unlike some fellow NBA players, he didn’t rail against the overturn of Roe v. Wade. He was quiet. But now he’s not-so-boldly speaking loudly, promoting the lie that abortion is a women’s rights issue.
Being alive is a human right’s issue. Life is the rare unalienable right given to us by our Creator, not woman, man or the government.
“God had a plan for that child,” Sonya Curry, Steph Curry’s mother, explained in her book Fierce Love. “There could be no Stephen. If I would have gone through that there would have been no Wardell Stephen Curry II.” That’s the beauty of being stronger than your circumstances. My wife faced an unplanned pregnancy in her late twenties and was pressured by fellow teachers and the biological father. But her decision to choose her daughter over fear resulted in the world being a better place because that baby girl, now my adopted daughter Radiance, is in it!
Yet, the world-famous point guard for the Golden State Warriors claims he’s fighting for “women’s rights.” Don’t women have the right to be called women, a term his Party is erasing and allowing men to co-opt? Don’t women have the right to know the facts about abortion from the substandard doctors who commit them (currently Dems oppose every single Women’s Right to Know bill)? Don’t women have the right to be celebrated for being beautifully and biologically different?
His advocacy, with over 100 million followers on social media, will help make sure communities already disproportionately ravaged with violence and despair have more access to abortion violence. No demographic is hit harder by the destruction of abortion than the black community. Curry doesn’t even realize the glaring contradiction in his very public fight against racism (while ignoring the inherent racism of Planned Parenthood), when he says he wants to “end racism across the board … speaking for people who can’t speak for themselves.”
The unborn cannot speak for themselves. They’re the only ones who cannot.
Steph Curry is a man who obviously loves his family. He’s the father of four beautiful children, none of whom would exist had his mother had been exploited, a second time, by abortion. (She regrettably aborted an older sibling.) I have four children, too. The thought that their lives and the countless people they will be able to impact for God and good could’ve been obliterated by my birthmother choosing abortion instead of life blows my mind. Instead, the violence of abortion didn’t erase undeniable purpose. My youngest son, Justice — who was adopted and loved — is one of Curry’s biggest fans. He’ll watch him every chance he gets and models Curry’s moves on the court when he plays in our homeschool league (go Patriots!). Justice’s worth, according to the pro-abortion minded, was merely conditional. My wife and I love him unconditionally.
With all the NBA’s woke social justice rhetoric, I don’t recall a single NBA player’s voice openly advocating for Life. The closest I could find in my research is the Orlando Magic’s Jonathan Isaac. He’s an extreme rarity among NBA players. He’s unafraid to talk about his faith and how that shapes his biblical worldview. His courage was on full display when he refused to take a Kaepernick knee during the national anthem. He was the only one standing in a sport plagued by group think. I found a Breitbart interview where he proclaimed: “Hey, I’m pro-life.”
Curry’s worldview perhaps has been misshapen by the league that makes him millions and calls upon its players to conform to their morally lacking sense of “justice.” Many don’t realize that the NBA made its position on abortion abundantly clear when Roe v. Wade was overturned. The NBA and WNBA (which has directly funded Planned Parenthood) put out a joint statement denouncing the Dobbs Decision back in 2022, declaring: “The NBA and WNBA believe that women should be able to make their own decisions concerning their health and future, and we believe that freedom must be protected. We will continue to advocate for gender and health equity, including ensuring our employees have access to reproductive health care, regardless of their location.”
Too bad they don’t ensure their employees’ children have access to life, regardless of their location.
Curry’s devotion to the Democratic Party, the Party of unrestricted abortion for any reason up until birth, cannot be reconciled with biblical Christianity. In fact, the candidate that he endorsed, told the nation during the unpresidential debate: “One does not have to abandon their faith or their deeply held beliefs” to support abortion. Actually, one does, Madame Vice President. WWJD. Which Would Jesus Dismember?
Cultural Christianity doesn’t require fidelity to the Word but constantly renders fealty to the world.
In a recent appearance on the Stephen Colbert’s late-night show, Curry explained why he writes 4:13 on each one. It’s in reference to Philippians 4:13 which says: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Yes. 100%! You know, like make it through an unplanned pregnancy and turn fear into faith. Unfortunately, those weren’t his words. They’re mine. But Curry went on to explain the motivation for choosing to display those numbers: “It’s a great reminder. You’re always searching for purpose and why you’re here — and for me, that’s it.”
Everyone else should have the chance to be born and find their purpose too.
Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.