The X factor of Andrew Tate is hard to ignore

“Andrew Tate is a genius.”
“Andrew Tate is a conservative who likes Trump and Elon Musk.”
“Andrew Tate is successful and wants to help young men succeed, like a personal trainer.”
These are comments of young men when asked about a complex, powerful influencer. They are believers enrolled in Christian schools or university. Most know little about Tate, but all know something about the third most googled man on the planet with millions of followers on X. Who is Andrew Tate? What is the source of his massive appeal, not only to young men, but many others now that Elon Musk is backing him for Prime Minister of the UK? Numerous conservatives are embracing him.
Emory Andrew Tate III is the eldest son of Emory Andrew Tate Jr., a black American who married British wife, Eileen, while in the Air Force. Emory was bright and served in intelligence until expelled from the USAF following an alleged diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). He became a chess champion who taught Andrew and younger brother Tristan to play chess while struggling to provide for the family. Much of that responsibility fell to Eileen, working as a dishwasher while Emory kept the boys up late, forcing them to solve chess problems. Emory was also a gambler. When he had money, he often lost it and panhandled other chess players in the park to buy food. His infrequent visits home were contentious. After divorcing, Eileen moved the struggling family to England while Emory pursued the renegade life until suffering a fatal heart attack at a chess tournament at the age of 56.
Such was the matrix of Andrew Tate, setting patterns in place. He dropped out of school at 16 and began kickboxing. A gifted boxer of impressive stature, he won four world championships but still had no money. Appearing on “Big Brother UK” reality show, he studied the housemates and unleashed vicious, divisive strategy. He was eliminated when a video surfaced of him beating a female participant with a belt, though they later claimed it was consensual sex play. Still without money, he left kickboxing to start a Webcam business using the “Loverboy” method of grooming girls as young as 15 to fall in love with him with promises of marriage, and work for him on-line. Declaring women “lazy, incapable and stupid,” he had them pose on camera tapping unplugged keyboards, as he controlled the chat, scamming gullible men of houses, bank accounts and millions. He started his “PHD Course” (Pimpin’ Hoes Degree), selling his business model of usuary and porn to other men. Strange that his wealth was generated by these women upon whom HE depends. Still, his wealth grew alongside notoriety and controversy.
He fled the UK amidst sex abuse charges, lighting in Romania where he felt there was less scrutiny. He re-named his on-line course “Hustler University,” now dubbed “The Real World.” He, Tristan, various women and illegitimate children live in an austere warehouse compound. With a history of exaggeration, he claimed to own an Italian Castle, but it is actually an Airbnb anyone can rent for $900 per night. He embarked on a casino venture with the Romanian mafia, boasting he owned 15 casinos. Tax returns revealed one, that is now closed. The Romanian crime boss officially renounced all ties with him in writing, saying he had “a big mouth.”
Tate, his brother and two women suspects were arrested in Romania, charged with rape, sex trafficking and creating an on-line scam. One of several complainants testified to having been beaten on the temple and strangled. “He can be so nice, and then instantly become something evil.” Tate embodies the bad boy image and proudly accepts the title of toxic misogynist. After months in jail and then house arrest, the charges were recently dropped on technicalities. The women said they were not slaves, again declaring that all activity was “consensual.” Such denial is typical of grooming victims, regardless of their age. They must be de-programmed as from a cult, a word Tate also uses to describe the top tier of The Real World. “My War Room is like the Illuminati but cooler.”
Spiritually, Tate once atheist, is now a self-styled Muslim. His actual persuasive gospel is that once poor and flabby, he manned up, worked out, worked hard, got rich, got women, luxury cars and a manosphere empire. The pride of life is intoxicating. No wonder boys who feel like hopeless losers pay $49 a month for life advice. War Room members pay from $2k to $250K for perks and access in this pyramid scheme. Internet scam-buster Coffeezilla said content like Tate’s can be found on the internet for free. But Tate’s powerful verbal hypnosis is compelling. It’s no accident that Iggy Semmelweis, master hypnotist, lurks at the heart of this labyrinth, “reading the chess board” to manipulate all players. Here relationships are based on competition, coercion and control, and as a whistleblower said, everyone is inferior to Andrew Tate.
It was shocking when Elon Musk announced backing Tate and his BRUV party (Britain Restoring Underlying Values) for Prime Minister right after the Romanian charges were dropped. Charges still stand in the UK, yet multiple weak PMs have created another leadership crisis and vacuum. With staggering irony, Tate, a store-front Muslim, is roaring to restore “basic values” in a country overwhelmed by Islamic invasion and Pakistani rape gangs.
When asked if he would interview Tate, Jordan Peterson wisely rejected the prospect. As a clinical psychologist, he recognizes a psychopath with zero conscience and cannot dismiss behavior that Tate and others now seek to minimize. He further elaborated: “I have no guarantee his charm wouldn’t work on me.” If only Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, or Alina Habba had such discretion or had done their research. They gush over Tate, cloaked in his ingratiating mask. “Charm is deceitful.” The enemy tempted Jesus “but found nothing in Him.” The ancient nefarious power works through Tate, attaching to the spiritually naive, exposing their lack discernment.
Decades of feminist attack and cultural degradation have left men confused and adrift, vulnerable to what would invariably occupy this vacuum. Enter Andrew Tate, with no loyalty outside himself, and “values” are beneath the mob. He can eloquently speak the truth, though a constant liar. Manhood under fire has created angry men like Andrew Tate and his father. We once shaped and inspired young men before they succumbed to the allure of “exhaust fumes and perfume.” My brother’s Scout leaders were WWII vets — one survived the Battle of the Bulge. They were among a volunteer legion investing in young men to prepare them for adult life, not extorting and defiling them. They were covenant keepers, willing and able to die for ideals cherished in eternal belief. There is a desperate cry from men and nations for Godly leadership. May worthy men respond and stand in the gap, ready to shun vice and shoulder virtue.
Ann Ambler is a writer and editor who worked in the Virginia State Legislature prior to raising six children. She resides in rural Virginia and may be reached at