Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CP Guest Contributor

Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.


  • Is socialism biblical?

    Is socialism biblical?

    In his State of the Union Address, President Trump declared that “America will never be a socialist nation.” Some say the Bible supports socialism. Does the Bible support it or any other specific economic system?

  • What does the Bible say about the Green New Deal?

    What does the Bible say about the Green New Deal?

    Doesn’t the Bible say we should protect the environment? Are we going to have to give in to centralized government controls to preserve our natural resources? This “Green New Deal” has me nervous.

  • Economic consequences of New York’s Reproductive Health Act

    Economic consequences of New York’s Reproductive Health Act

    Yes, the long-term economic consequences of abortion are bad for everyone.

  •  Big Data & Big Brother: What does it mean for me?

    Big Data & Big Brother: What does it mean for me?

    Every time I shop for something online, I see ads pop up about the item I was looking for and sometimes I even get emails trying to get me to buy it. This is spooky to me. I feel like I have lost my privacy as a shopper.

  • Paying off Christmas debt

    Paying off Christmas debt

    To learn Biblical answers to your financial questions, you can #AskChuck @AskCrown your questions by clicking ...

  • Stewardship and living beneath your means

    Stewardship and living beneath your means

    One of the most important things all of us need to know is how to spend less than we earn.

  • Preventing the paycheck-to-paycheck trap

    Preventing the paycheck-to-paycheck trap

    I read an article recently about how many Americans live paycheck to paycheck and question how many really have to live that way. I don’t want to be calloused, but I wonder if they just need to be told to “Grow up!” Doesn’t the Bible tell us not to live that way?

  • 3 steps to pay off Christmas debt

    3 steps to pay off Christmas debt

    Dear Chuck,Well, we went a little crazy this Christmas...the kids all love their presents but my husband and I are ...

  • Setting financial goals for the New Year (and how to reach them)

    Setting financial goals for the New Year (and how to reach them)

    My husband and I desperately need to get a handle on our money next year. What are some of the most important things we should do?

  • Finding financial peace with your spouse

    Finding financial peace with your spouse

    If I had a nickel for every argument my wife and I have had about money, well…we probably wouldn’t argue about money! Can you help us get on the same page?