Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • Leave Your Grave Clothes Alone

    Leave Your Grave Clothes Alone

    The folks who just can't seem to leave their grave clothes alone fall into one of two groups. The first group involves those who start out wanting to be clothed with Christ, but then quickly go back to wearing their dirty old rags of works righteousness.

  • Galatians for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    Galatians for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    Some people in matters of faith initially seem to receive the Gospel message of salvation, but are subsequently seduced into placing themselves back under the law. That is to say, they fall under the spell of legalism as they revert to the old pattern of trying to be made right with God by their works rather than by grace.

  • Can Unbelief Be 'Cast Out' Like Demons?

    Can Unbelief Be 'Cast Out' Like Demons?

    One of the prominent features of Jesus' earthly ministry was the casting out of demons. So why didn't Jesus and the apostles just "cast out" unbelief the way they cast out demons?

  • Ephesians for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    Ephesians for Catholics, Protestants and Every Christian

    The book of Ephesians is one of these treasured letters inspired by the Holy Spirit. The revelation of truth contained in this epistle is needed today more than ever by Catholics, Protestants and every Christian.

  • 3 Things Atheists and Christians Have in Common

    3 Things Atheists and Christians Have in Common

    Atheists and Christians are as different as night and day, right? Well, they actually have a number of things in common.

  • Diamonds in the Earth and Gemstones in Heaven

    Diamonds in the Earth and Gemstones in Heaven

    Researchers have recently discovered that there are a quadrillion tons of diamonds deep within the earth. "Unfortunately ... there is no way to get them."

  • Why Self-Reliance Ultimately Ends in Defeat

    Why Self-Reliance Ultimately Ends in Defeat

    Napoleon Bonaparte said, "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself." But is that really the best approach in every situation? What if the issue at hand involves your immortal soul? Self has only two possible outcomes.

  • Carl Jung's Descent Into Darkness

    Carl Jung's Descent Into Darkness

    Human beings long for spiritual transcendence. And in an effort to achieve this lofty goal, multitudes of people choose to engage in various religious practices.

  • Comparing Psychology to Theology

    Comparing Psychology to Theology

    Psychology is centered in man, whereas theology is centered in God. Psychology relies upon natural resources when tackling man's complex issues. Psychology and theology are not opposed to each other, anymore than science and faith are opposed to each other.

  • The Age of the Earth Is God's Business

    The Age of the Earth Is God's Business

    While Christians agree on the doctrine of the Trinity and the Gospel message of salvation, there is disagreement over various secondary issues such as the age of the earth.