Jennifer Thieme Johnson

CP Op-Ed Contributor


  • 'Get Government Out of Marriage' Is a Red Herring

    'Get Government Out of Marriage' Is a Red Herring

    A red herring is something that distracts people from the issue at hand. It allows people who are otherwise thoughtful and intelligent to not think about another topic too deeply.

  • GOP Should Invite Social Liberals to Leave

    GOP Should Invite Social Liberals to Leave

    I must admit I became angry when I read Edward Hudgins' op-ed in The Christian Post, entitled, "GOP Should Invite Social Conservative 'Extremists' to Leave." People like Mr. Hudgins already agree with Democrats on social issues, so I propose that they take their fiscally conservative views and register as Democrats.

  • Dear Republicans: What is Marriage?

    Dear Republicans: What is Marriage?

    If I could ask the Republican Party one question it would be this: What is marriage?

  • Is There a Conservative Argument for Gay Marriage?

    There is a small but steadily growing idea among conservatives that they can support gay marriage and remain conservative. My position is that this is not possible. Here's why.