Rod Anderson

CP Cartoonist


  • Wanted: Gender-Neutral Nanny!

    Wanted: Gender-Neutral Nanny!

    A couple in London are looking for a nanny who would not only look after their children but would do so in a completely gender neutral way, "not referring to them as 'she' or 'he'" among other do's and don'ts on their list of how to allow the children to choose their own gender.

  • Does America Need a New Luther?

    Does America Need a New Luther?

    America has become the Catholic Church of five hundred years ago. Our culture has become arrogant and is characterized by shallowness, division and complacency.

  • Are Trump and Kim Two of a Kind?

    Are Trump and Kim Two of a Kind?

    During an interview with CBS News' "Face the Nation," GOP Sen. Bob Corker said President Donald Trump is exhibiting some of the same tendencies as the "erratic leader" of North Korea in dealing with the ongoing tensions with that country.

  • Can We Break Out of Our Echo Chambers?

    Can We Break Out of Our Echo Chambers?

    As the story goes, during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was asked if God was on his side. He replied, "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."

  • Ten Commandments? We'll Just Have 6, Thanks!

    Ten Commandments? We'll Just Have 6, Thanks!

    Most Britons believe that only six of the Ten Commandments are relevant today, and Christians are split over whether some, like the Commandment to not worship other gods, are essential to their faith, according to a new survey.

  • Millennials Feel the Lure of the Occult

    Millennials Feel the Lure of the Occult

    Millennials are increasingly exploring and turning to occultic spirituality and astrology, as statistics continue showing rising numbers of "nones," those who do not identify with any particular faith. This is in part due to a mindset of fear and unbelief and comfortable Christianity, some pastors say.

  • Healing the Fatherless Through Faith

    Healing the Fatherless Through Faith

    A new book and movie showcases the irreplaceable effect a father has on his children, told from the perspective of a Texas man well-acquainted with the intense pain of being fatherless.

  • The Holy Spirit Is on Your Side!

    The Holy Spirit Is on Your Side!

    California megachurch pastor Greg Laurie taught his congregation about the role of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life, and also explained what the Bible means by the unforgivable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.

  • Mike Pence Brings Hope to Middle East Christians

    Mike Pence Brings Hope to Middle East Christians

    Vice President Mike Pence promised Christian leaders from the Middle East Wednesday night that their days of receiving little to no help from the United States government to rebuild their ancient communities "are over."

  • Can Religion Guide Robotics to an Ethical Future?

    Can Religion Guide Robotics to an Ethical Future?

    Humanity's best future will happen with the proper stewarding of science and technology. How can we assure such stewardship? By training up more tech pastors.