Alveda King
Special to CP
Body Parts for Sale: I Shudder to Think What Happened to My Aborted Babies
As the scandalous saga of Planned Parenthood's harvesting of baby body parts continues, I shudder to think what happened to three of my babies.
Planned Parenthood: The Gift That Keeps on Killing
Today, we could substitute the name Planned Parenthood for the Greeks, because like the Greeks, Planned Parenthood is waging a war on the lives of mothers and our children; and like the Greeks, Planned Parenthood wants to hide their secret agenda.
America, We Are Better Than This!
Last summer, God revealed a message to me just before the tragic death of Michael Brown. "Alveda, tell the people of the world this: You don't have to live this way. You are better than this." Weeks later Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson
Iraq, Michael Brown, Robin Williams: American's Should Pray for These Tragedies
A few days ago, I attended The Family Leadership Summit 2014 in Iowa. The privilege of addressing the crowd, and signing my newest book KING RULES was superseded by the awesome honor of being among genuine Christians who are committed to humbling ourselves in prayer that God will heal our land.
Religious Freedom Is a Civil and Human Right
Monday I did an interview on Airing the Addisons with Wil and Meeke discussing the HHS Mandate and Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods. This week at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) involves the lives of every American: yet many are unaware.
How I Failed Nelson Mandela
At the passing of Nelson Mandela I am acknowledging that he was a humanitarian who gave his life to ending apartheid in South Africa and human racism on this planet.
The HHS Mandate and The Creepy Government Shut Down
The HHS Showdown is about some members of Congress wanting to further empower and enable Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider, to lead our children to their demise along the poison path of chemical and surgical contraceptives and abortions.
Let Freedom Ring!: Remembering My Uncle MLK
As we arrive at this historic day, it's important for us to remember that 50 years ago, on August 28, 1963, people were marching for jobs, for decent housing, for justice, for better education.
Judge by Content of Character, Not Skin Color Or A Hoodie
I am no way suggesting that hoodies are a bad thing. The young folks in my family wear them. Yet there are other ways to remember Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.
Civil Rights Leader 'Grieved' Over Strife Surrounding Zimmerman Verdict
I believe that the verdict in the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Case further exposes a grievous and deep vein of disharmony and racial tension in our nation that can only be healed when people realize that every human being should be treated with dignity and respect.