Chris Strong
CP Contributor
Kirk Cameron Joins Rick Warren, Billy Graham on Strict Female Rule
"Growing Pains" star and born-again Christian Kirk Cameron made news for not only what he said at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, but also for what he did off stage.
Honor or Dishonor? Tebowing vs. Bradying
Fads in the NFL come and go like seasons in a year, so could the wildly popular "Tebowing" meme already be a fading trend to be replaced by "Bradying?"
Indianapolis Colts' Seth Olsen on Water, God, and Uganda
Indianapolis Colts offensive linebacker Seth Olsen recently returned from his first trip to Uganda, where he saw how God is using his people to provide physical and spiritual water to villagers.
'Tim Tebow Law' Gives Gifted Homeschooled Students Chance, Says Attorney
Virginia's homeschooled students should have the same opportunities to participate in public school sports as their peers, argued the head of a conservative legal group in support of the state's so-called "Tim Tebow Law."
Texas Begins Enforcing New Abortion, Ultrasound Law
Texas began enforcing a new law mandating abortion providers show or verbally detail to women seeking the procedure an ultrasound image of the unborn baby.
'I Believe' Religious License Plates for Sale in S.C.
Motorists in South Carolina have been given the option of purchasing religious license plates that feature three crosses on a mountaintop against a sunrise backdrop.
Willow Creek Church Satellite Campus Gets First Pastor
Willow Creek Community Church-Huntley, one of the seven campuses of the Chicago-area megachurch, recently welcomed its first pastor, Craig Springer.
Chevrolet Silverado Super Bowl Ad Pokes Fun at End Times Scenarios
What does a Chevrolet Silverado have to do with the end times? Two words: Super Bowl.
Film 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close' Not Family Friendly?
The much buzzed about film "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close," starring Academy Award winners Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock, is nominated for two Oscars, but failed to nab the "Family Approved" seal by the pro-family movie review group Dove Foundation.
Adoption Documentary to Contend With 'Courageous' in Upcoming Christian Film Festival
"Rescued: The Heart of Adoption and Caring for Orphans," a soon-to-be-released documentary on the quandary of orphans, has succeeded in placing alongside major films such as "Courageous" as a semifinalist at the 2012 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.