Christopher Benek
CP Op-Ed Contributor
People are tired of Church drama
Before any church can grow, it has to eliminate the drama from its midst.
When humans can live forever, will people still follow Jesus?
Will we need Jesus if we technologically achieve immortality?
Facebook Hosts Posts Encouraging You to Fight So That They Can Make More Money
How many times have you been on Facebook only to see an inflammatory post that you just felt compelled to comment on?
The Erroneous Notion That Is Causing an Exodus From the Church
People are fleeing the institutional church and there should be no question as to why this exodus is happening.
The Technology That Can Destroy the Church and the World As We Know It
In 2013 an Oxford Study indicated that up to one half of all jobs in the United States are at risk of being fully automated in the next 20 years. We need to prepare for it.
How to Prevent an Artificial Intelligence God
Humanity's best future will happen with the proper stewarding of science and technology. How can we assure such stewardship?
Christians Follow Jesus First, Not the USA
If you struggle with the concept of someone kneeling during the national anthem then you are really going to have a hard time with the coming eschaton.
Christian Transhumanism Offers an Ethical Transhumanist Alternative
To be clear, transhumanism at its core is not some sci-fi or superhero, this will happen in 100 years, concept. Transhumanism is happening right now. As a pastor serving a local congregation, I see proof of transhumanism in my congregation everyday.
When Science Advocates Say '(F-Word) Religion'
As someone who has sought the inclusion of all people into these conversations I often am exposed to folks who seem to have an axe to grind with organized religion, particularly Christianity.
Wonder Woman Depicts the Need for Christian Transhumanism
Humanity is wrestling with these issues through artistic mediums because of the cultural debate about what our enhanced future will look like among a group of people who self-identify as transhumanists.