Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • 'Sex Week' at Yale Leaves Students Guessing

    'Sex Week' at Yale Leaves Students Guessing

    Many people would be stunned to learn about some past events of Sex Week which are documented in his book....and Nathan states that university officials have defended these activities in the name of "academic freedom." But just how much sexual "freedom" is promoted at Yale, and on what basis is a person or a university able to set any boundary for sexual behavior?

  • Boy Scouts Struggle to Define Sexual Morality

    Boy Scouts Struggle to Define Sexual Morality

    The Boy Scouts of America require all of their members to take an oath promising to be "morally straight." Now the organization appears to be getting pressured to change their previous position on homosexual behavior. And it sounds like they may be planning to cave into the pressure. Maybe a time out is in order here.

  • Why Sinning Will Never Quench Man's Thirst

    Why Sinning Will Never Quench Man's Thirst

    You are out in the middle of the ocean....all alone....in a small boat....and dying of thirst. You know that drinking the saltwater will not solve your problem, but only make it worse. So what do you do? You could get a momentary fix by drinking it, but that will only make your thirst stronger. Or you could resist the urge to drink the saltwater.

  • Infant Baptism and 5-Point Calvinism are Limited

    Infant Baptism and 5-Point Calvinism are Limited

    Some spiritual practices and doctrinal positions held by Christians have definite limitations....and must be handled with care, lest people get the wrong idea about what it means to be spiritually reborn....and what it doesn't mean....and what the Bible means when it states that "God is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

  • Connecting Scientology, Lance Armstrong and Gun Control

    Connecting Scientology, Lance Armstrong and Gun Control

    Besides for being in the news right now, what do Scientology, Lance Armstrong and gun control all have in common? All three of them reveal the downside of man's controlling nature. All three of them point the finger back at each of us….because each one of us can easily become a "control freak" if we are not careful.

  • Will You Be Naked on Judgment Day?

    Will You Be Naked on Judgment Day?

    Most people in our society would feel embarrassed if they were forced to walk around their community naked. But what if you had no choice on the matter the day you go before God to be judged? What if you were naked before Him....not physically necessarily, but worse....spiritually naked before your Creator, without any covering for your sins against Him? Do you have any idea how you would feel?

  • Evaluate Today's Decisions Based on Yesterday's Journal

    Evaluate Today's Decisions Based on Yesterday's Journal

    Ready or not, 2013 has arrived. A new year means new decisions in new situations. Will you and I make better decisions than last year? Or are you pretty satisfied with most of the decisions you made last year? Which ones would you do differently if you could?

  • The Biblical Distinction Between 'Gift' and 'Reward'

    The Biblical Distinction Between 'Gift' and 'Reward'

    There is a world of difference between a "gift" and a "reward." A gift is "something given voluntarily without payment in return." A reward is "something given or received for service, merit, hardship, etc." A reward is something you earn. A gift is freely given and is not earned by the recipient.

  • Moral Resistance Resides Deeper than Intellectual Reasoning

    Moral Resistance Resides Deeper than Intellectual Reasoning

    The need for Christian apologetics in the world today is growing. This is due largely to the fact that so many people have essentially been brainwashed in their beliefs about Jesus Christ, the Bible, heaven, hell, and the immortality of the soul. But even after all the intellectual evidence is presented, many hearers still choose to reject the Gospel. Their moral resistance outweighs whatever intellectual ground they may have conceded.

  • The Truth Isn't Only Something You Believe

    The Truth Isn't Only Something You Believe

    Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, asked Jesus Christ, "What is truth?" (John 18:38) It is a question which has puzzled millions of people over the centuries. Is the truth only something to believe....or is it more than that? Can everyone have their own "truth," or is truth absolute? And what happens to a person who accepts the truth, as compared to one who rejects the truth?