Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Christian Post Contributor


  • Temptation and the Fine Print Whopper Interest Rate

    Temptation and the Fine Print Whopper Interest Rate

    A similar thing happens with temptation and sin. It flashes before us with its appeal and its promises. But the fine print is easy to miss. Adam and Eve missed it, and the "interest rate" in their case was a whopper. King David came to find out how high the interest rate is on sin. Judas had 30 pieces of silver flash before his eyes, and he took the deal. But it cost him so much more than he ever anticipated.

  • Rejecting the Ones Who Love You Most

    Rejecting the Ones Who Love You Most

    We see it happen everyday, where people walk away from the ones who love them the most. It is mind-boggling. Why would anyone leave a situation where he or she is loved so deeply? And yet, it occurs time and time again all over the world. It is a universal problem.

  • Did Your Parents Hinder Your Spiritual Development?

    Did Your Parents Hinder Your Spiritual Development?

    Your parents played a huge role in what you believe today, and what you choose not to believe. Their presence, or their absence, along with their teaching and their training, have all worked to shape you into who you are today. That's not to say those are the only factors, but they certainly play a major role in whether or not you have been connected to God through faith.

  • Do You Realize Some of Your Issues?

    Do You Realize Some of Your Issues?

    We all have issues, and that includes you. We go through life with these issues, some of which become apparent to us, while others not so much. So the question is, do you realize some of your issues?

  • Jesus Surpasses Your Faith and Your Doubts

    Jesus Surpasses Your Faith and Your Doubts

    You may consider yourself to be a person of great faith....or maybe, you feel like you are the biggest doubter in the world. Most of us would place ourselves somewhere in between. But wherever you are at today in your faith, just know this....Jesus surpasses your faith, as well as your doubts.

  • Noah, Abraham and Moses Point to Jesus

    Noah, Abraham and Moses Point to Jesus

    The first episode of the mini-series "The Bible" on The History Channel seemed to jump off the screen last Sunday night with spiritual vitality and timeless truth. Three of the key biblical figures from week one were Noah, Abraham and Moses. This dramatic history lesson points us to Jesus....but will you look to Him and believe what God invites you to believe?

  • Unconditional Love Doesn't Always Include Unconditional Acceptance

    Unconditional Love Doesn't Always Include Unconditional Acceptance

    "If God really loves me, then He should accept me just the way I am....no matter how I choose to live. After all, everyone is a sinner." Maybe you have heard someone express that sentiment, or perhaps even felt that way yourself. Let's think about that theory.

  • The Gospel for Inmates and All Sinners

    The Gospel for Inmates and All Sinners

    Today brought one of those rare experiences. You know....the kind where you feel like God just gave you the right words at the right time which were perfect for the situation. And all you can do is bask in the glow of the moment....and praise Him for granting you a golden nugget in your communication of the Gospel message.

  • Christ's Real Presence Dwells Inside Every Believer

    Christ's Real Presence Dwells Inside Every Believer

    No religious organization has a corner on Christ's real presence. You can't box Him in. Jesus goes wherever He wants to go....and one of the places He chooses to go is on the inside of everyone who believes in Him as Savior. Therefore, a Christian can literally say, "My heart is Christ's home."

  • Differences Between Carnival's 'Hell Ship' and Hades

    Differences Between Carnival's 'Hell Ship' and Hades

    It has been dubbed the "Hell Ship." It was the Carnival cruise that went horribly wrong two weeks ago after the ship lost power in an engine-room fire. And while it may have seemed like being in hell for the 4200 or so passengers who endured the stench and heat of that arduous journey back to land, there are some notable differences between their ordeal on the cruise ship....and the reality of eternal hell. Here are 7 big differences between Carnival's "Hell Ship" and Hades.