David French

CP Guest Contributor


  • Left Launches Attack on Evangelical Adoption

    Left Launches Attack on Evangelical Adoption

    Thanks to the publication of Kathryn Joyce's new book, The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption (excerpted here in Mother Jones, and Ms. Joyce is interviewed here at NPR), there's been an online wave of criticism/examination of Evangelicals' so-called orphan fever.

  • A Message of Courage and Faith to American Christians

    A Message of Courage and Faith to American Christians

    Here in the United States, we overuse the word "courage." In a nation where even the most strident words cause us to risk little more than social disapproval or where the worst consequence of righteous living is often little more than criticism, we often applaud even the most modest stands and statements as courageous. In some quarters, we've even redefined to sin as "courage" when we applaud people for rejecting age-old moral norms for the sake of self-fulfillment.

  • 'Generation Me': Living the Lives We've Taught Them to Live

    'Generation Me': Living the Lives We've Taught Them to Live

    Over at The Gospel Coalition, Glenn Stanton has written a fascinating article analyzing research comparing the relative civic-mindedness of Baby Boomers, Generation X (my generation, by the way), and the Millennials. Stanton takes on the seemingly universally-held view that Millennials are "[t]he most community service-minded, action-oriented, let's change-the-world-generation alive today, perhaps in the history of our nation. Generation We."

  • Our Drone Program is Legal and Moral

    Our Drone Program is Legal and Moral

    In the aftermath of NBC News's release of a leaked memo outlining the legality of strikes against high-level members of al Qaeda who are also American citizens, fresh attention has been focused on the American drone program – and not just on its use against Americans. In the Christian community, I've been frankly surprised at the extent of the opposition to drone strikes. If we are at war (and we are), why can we not use our most precise weapons to defeat our enemy? Would we rather terrorists

  • Why Would We Arm Our Racist, Jihadist Enemies?

    Why Would We Arm Our Racist, Jihadist Enemies?

    The Obama administration is in the process of delivering 20 advanced F-16 fighter jets and 200 M1 Abrams tanks to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-led government. Four jets have been delivered, and the rest of the equipment will be delivered within months. To be clear, Egypt did not purchase these weapons. They're a gift from you, the American taxpayer, to the Muslim Brotherhood.

  • Why Every American Christian Should Vote for Mitt Romney

    This election presents perhaps the clearest moral contrast of my adult life. On one side is a Republican candidate who is pro-life, supports marriage, defends religious liberty, has real-world experience creating jobs, and has a realistic understanding of the threat of jihad.

  • Is it Christian to Support President Obama's Terrorism Hit List? (Pt. 2)

    It's perhaps a symbol of our growing civil/military divide that the New York Times coverage of President Obama's "kill list" of known and active terrorists created such breathless commentary. As a veteran of the Iraq War, my first thought was, "This is news?" and my second was, "People are actually offended?"