Doug Huntington
Christian Post Reporter
Obama's Labor Day Speech: I'm Not Scared of Tough Times
President Barack Obama spoke to a crowd in Detroit on Monday, urging bipartisanship in order to solve the country’s economic problems. His remarks follow Friday’s jobs report which was considered worse than expected. The nation’s unemployment rate has shown no improvement, staying at 9.1 percent.
Spanish Nun Ousted from Convent over Facebook Use
A Spanish nun was recently banished from her religious order for spending too much time on Facebook.
Polish Town Erects World's Largest Jesus Statue
A small town in western Poland has erected a statue of Jesus that workers say is now the world\'s largest – even larger than the Christ the Redeemer creation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Major Recall for Lean Cuisine Meals
It\'s not a bad idea to spend an extra 20 minutes cooking dinner for the family after work rather than resorting to frozen foods, especially as a major recall was made to popular frozen meals today.
Nationwide Campaign Launched to Preserve Public Prayer
A Christian legal group has begun efforts to explain the legality of public prayer at public meetings to local governments around the United States.
Attorney: Gay R.I. Couple Cannot 'Divorce' Since 'Marriage' Unrecognized
Christian and pro-family groups have shown concern over a case involving a same-sex couple in Rhode Island who are seeking a divorce.
Lawsuit Reverses Park's Policy Against Religious Handouts
A Florida county has reversed its policy against prohibitive standards for handing out religious literature in parks.
Pro-Family Groups to Appeal Against Md. Pro-Gay Sex Ed Curriculum
Pro-family groups in Maryland have finally announced their intent to file an appeal against a Maryland school boards support for a homosexual-friendly sexual education program.
N.Y. Episcopalians Come to Aid of Baptist Congregation
A New York Episcopal church is engaging in an unexpected act of charity, helping a neighboring Baptist church fundraise for renovations.
Judges Overturn Ban on School Board Prayer
A Louisiana school district that has been riddled with religious lawsuits got some backing Wednesday after a panel of judges overturned a decision that had formerly barred them from opening their meetings with prayer.