Eric Metaxas
Christian Post Contributor
Continental Suicide: 'The Strange Death of Europe' and European Christianity
What happens when a civilization forgets — or rejects — its roots? We're seeing it right now.
The Most Republican Book of the Bible? Proverbs and Politics
If the books of the Bible could vote, which would be most likely to cast a Republican ballot? According to one professor at Yale Divinity School, the book of Proverbs would be a card-carrying member of the GOP.
Clutter Gone Wild: Are Christians Being Sabotaged by Stuff?
Are you too attached to your stuff? Did you ever consider that piles of clutter may affect your spiritual life?
'Hopecasting' in the Midst of Crisis: Christians Take on the Scourge of Opioids
No matter the crisis, when Christians take the love of Jesus to the hurting and suffering, hope and transformation are sure to follow.
Waving the Rainbow Flag on the Field of Play: Christian Athletes Under Pressure
The pressure on Christians to wave the rainbow flag may be new, but the issue is as old as the church.
A Biblical Case for Defending Religious Freedom
Why should we actively and publicly defend religious freedom? We'll look to the Apostle Paul for an answer.
The Continuing Triumph of Faith: The World Is Becoming More Religious
Ever hear the old saw that religious people are on the wrong side of history? It isn't true. Turns out, we're on the right side of the future as well.
Marriage Mending: How Churches Can Rescue Marriages in Trouble
Do Hollywood people know what marriage is all about? Let's count up the splits just in 2017.
Depressed Teens: They Need More Than Happiness, They Need Jesus
When it comes to anxiety and depression, our young people don't need safe spaces. They need Jesus.
Saved by an Atheist: Do Humans Matter or Not?
Find out how a famous atheist started a secular humanist on the road to faith in Jesus Christ.