Eric Metaxas
Christian Post Contributor
Hope for Christianity in Europe
It's become customary to refer to Europe as "post-Christian." But this is an overstatement.
The March to Redefine Science
It seems every weekend brings a march for one cause or another in D.C. Last weekend, folks marched for science. Or did they?
Treating Christians as Racists Hurts the Homeless
Here's yet another reason why it's insane to push Christians out of the public square.
Christians: Stop Fighting the Culture and Start Caring for It
When it comes to culture, do you consider yourself a foot soldier or a gardener? Okay, that's a bit cryptic. But let me explain.
Disney's Only Fresh Idea Was 'Beauty and the Beast' Gay Moment
"Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme." And we just keep retelling and re-singing it. I'm talking about the year's biggest movie.
Generation Z Most Conservative Since WWII?
For years, we've been hearing that one side of the political aisle is on "the right side of history." But history doesn't seem to be cooperating.
Christians: We Should Be More Neighborly
When a lawyer asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" the Lord told him to be a neighbor. And He still does!
We Are Not Alone in the Universe
There's already a world of evidence that life on Earth is unique and intelligently-crafted. But here are seven more pieces of evidence.
True Beauty of Women Found in Lingerie Ad
You won't believe what one lingerie company is doing to show what makes a woman truly beautiful. I've got a great story for you. Get a hankie.
Transhumanist Seeks Eternal Life With Blood of Youth Rather Than Blood of Christ
What do cyborgs, vampires, and bowhead whales have in common?