Eryn Sun
Christian Post Reporter
'Safety, Not Religion' Cause of Shops' Refusal to Deliver Flowers to Atheist Jessica Ahlquist
Florists in Cranston, R.I., are being accused of religious discrimination for reportedly denying delivery of their flowers to outspoken atheist Jessica Ahlquist, who recently won a lawsuit to remove a prayer mural from her high school's auditorium.
NC School District in Trouble Again With Jesus T-Shirt Controversy
Buncombe County School District in North Carolina is in the spotlight once again after one of their middle schools reportedly asked a wrestling coach not to wear a t-shirt with a religious message.
15 Million Cable Households in US to Hear Gospel From Everyday Christians
Christians have an opportunity to take back the TV by putting themselves and their testimony on air for free, according to the world's first Social TV Network.
Christopher Hitchens' Final Memoir 'Mortality' Delayed to September
Christopher Hitchens’ final posthumous memoir, originally scheduled to release in April, has been pushed back to a later date to allow for “simultaneous publication” in the U.S., U.K., and Australia.
Married Couples Don't Know How to Date the 'Right' Way, Ministry Says
A majority of married couples do not date enough and when they do, they’ve got it all wrong, one organization says. “So many couples get stuck in a ‘dinner and movie’ routine"
Denny Burk Criticizes Christianity Today for Stance Against Spanking
Author and theologian Denny Burk recently criticized Christianity Today for its “on the record” stance against spanking, highlighted in the publication’s editorial titled, “Thou Shall Not Abuse: Reconsidering Spanking.”
Seminary Leaving Students Worse Off? Desiring God Reacts With New Series
Contrary to popular opinion, seminary can actually leave many believers worse off than when they started. The leaders at Desiring God ministry created a new series titled “How to Stay Christian at Seminary,” hoping to do exactly that – keep potential pastors and “serious students of the Bible” Christian.
Fla. Pro-Life Advocate Wins Battle to Counsel Outside Abortion Clinic
A federal judge in West Palm Beach, Fla., recently ended the U.S. attorney general’s “two-year political prosecution” of a pro-life educator who accused of allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act.
Jefferson Bethke 'Humbled' by Critique of His 'Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus' Video
Pastor Kevin DeYoung’s verse-by-verse critique of the viral hit “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus” has got many people listening and taking heed – even the spoken word poet himself.
Evangelist 'Disappointed' by Religious Rally Lawsuit Involving Middle School
A Christian youth evangelist expressed disappointment over the outcome of a lawsuit between the Chesterfield County School District and the American Civil Liberties Union in regards to a religious rally held on school grounds last year.