F. LaGard Smith

F. LaGard Smith

Voices Contributor

F. LaGard Smith is a retired law school professor (principally at Pepperdine University), and is the author of some 35 books, touching on law, faith, and social issues.  He is the compiler and narrator of The Daily Bible (the NIV and NLT arranged in chronological order). 


  • Thanksgiving by a nation of immigrants

    Thanksgiving by a nation of immigrants

    How can lines on a map justify ignoring the struggles of the less fortunate?  Yet, despite protections for “the foreigners living among you,” God himself established the ancient nation of Israel, complete with borders.

  • Divided by a common Bible

    Divided by a common Bible

    If what anybody means by “Christian nationalism” is a belief that our richly-blessed nation is “Thy Kingdom come” on earth, or that America is God’s chosen vessel for saving the world, then we’re talking about a straw man. 

  • Post-election musing: Pack your bags, we're headed to Babylon

    Post-election musing: Pack your bags, we're headed to Babylon

    Yes, life will go on, faith will endure, and God is still Lord of the Universe.  But make no mistake: Jerusalem has fallen.  Pack your bags, we’re headed to Babylon.

  • Top 3 Reasons Why the Popular Evolution Story Is a Myth

    Top 3 Reasons Why the Popular Evolution Story Is a Myth

    Darwin speculated that, since there is evolution within well-defined species, then all species must surely be the result of evolution. Logical enough, but simply wrong. Darwin never seriously dealt with the following three devastating problems with his theory.