Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • It's Already Yours

    It's Already Yours

    Have you ever owned something that you didn't use? Have you ever gone shopping for something, only to come home and find it in your closet already? I have done that. I get this idea that I need a blue shirt. I have in mind exactly what it should look like. Then I go shopping, come home, hang it up, and see that I already have that blue shirt. No wonder I had such a vivid idea of what it should look like.

  • Take It to the Bank

    Take It to the Bank

    A homeless man was standing on a street corner, asking for money, when a well-dressed attorney came walking by. The attorney looked at him and said, "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

  • Take It to the Bank

    Take It to the Bank

    A homeless man was standing on a street corner, asking for money, when a well-dressed attorney came walking by. The attorney looked at him and said, "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

  • Gone for Good

    Gone for Good

    Have you ever done anything you wished you hadn't done and were ashamed of? If you have repented of that sin and have turned your back on it, then the Bible clearly declares that you are forgiven.

  • Accepted


    All that God has done has been because of His grace, which means "unmerited favor." You aren't merely forgiven, justified, and cleansed of your sins; you have been received in love by God Himself. This is because of His deep love for His own Son, Jesus. Because His Son lives in you, you have found His favor. You have the approval of God because of what Jesus has done.

  • By the Will of God

    By the Will of God

    We may look today at people in the church who are called to be pastors or evangelists or worship leaders or elders and conclude they are the spiritual elite.

  • A Closed Mouth Gathers No Foot

    A Closed Mouth Gathers No Foot

    I can think of so many times when I should have kept silent but just had to speak. Have you ever done that? Have you ever said something, and the moment it left your lips, you thought, Why did I just say that? But you said it.

  • Good Days and Bad Days

    Good Days and Bad Days

    Sorrows come into all of our lives. And while none of us enjoy them, they are a reality. You will experience heartache. You will be heartbroken. But there also will be times of laughter, times of great joy and celebration. One of the lessons I've learned from life is to enjoy the good times.

  • Nothing New

    The pursuit of pleasure is nothing new. As Solomon reminds us a number of times in the book of Ecclesiastes, when you boil it down, there is nothing new under the sun.

  • Dropped


    Mephibosheth was only five years old when his father, Jonathan, and his grandfather, Saul, were killed on the battlefield. Imagine, if you will, life as he had known it up to this point. The privilege and potential of his pampered life as a prince could not have prepared him for the hard life he would face in the future. There was life in the palace as a young prince, with people waiting on him hand and foot, and he was being raised by his godly father, Jonathan. Life was good for this young boy