Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Op-ed contributor

Greg Laurie is the pastor and founder of the Harvest churches in California and Hawaii and of Harvest Crusades. He is an evangelist, best-selling author and movie producer. His newest book Lennon, Dylan, Alice & Jesus


  • Two Homes, Two Foundations

    Two Homes, Two Foundations

    We don't always like to read a verse like that. We would rather the passage read, "Through many days of perpetual happiness we enter the kingdom of God." But that isn't Scripture, and that isn't life. Trials and tribulations will come.

  • You Belong to Him

    You Belong to Him

    Paul spoke of "the God to whom I belong." In Song of Solomon we read, "My beloved is mine, and I am His" (2:16). As a Christian, you belong to the Lord. You are His. There are a number of analogies the Lord uses to show how we belong to God.

  • Watching from the Grandstands

    Watching from the Grandstands

    Are friends and loved ones in heaven watching us right now and cheering us on? What "huge crowd" is this? What is this "great cloud of witnesses," as it says in the King James Bible?

  • Created to Know Him

    Created to Know Him

    If you are seeking fulfillment, purpose, or meaning from this world and from human accomplishments, I have some bad news: you will never find it. There is nothing in the world that will fill the deepest void in your life—not the ultimate car, not the greatest job, not the most beautiful girl or the most handsome guy, not the greatest education, not winning it all on American Idol.

  • Fullness of Joy

    Fullness of Joy

    People sometimes ask, "What will we know in heaven? Will we recognize each other?" That question always amazes me. As if we're going to forget everything—or be walking around in a fuzzy cloud of semi-awareness! We still will love, but our love will be perfected. We still will think and remember, but our thoughts will be perfected too. We certainly will know each other in heaven—and infinitely better than we knew each other on earth.

  • Our Ultimate Prayer Partner

    Our Ultimate Prayer Partner

    If you found yourself in a difficult passage in life, would it bring you some measure of comfort if Billy Graham called you?

  • Heaven Is a Literal Place

    Heaven Is a Literal Place

    Heaven is an actual place. It isn't an "idea" or a "state of mind"; it's a location, like Miami or Chicago or Paris.

  • Our Present Possession

    Our Present Possession

    Many of the blessings the Bible promises are still in our future. The hope of heaven and our new, wonderful resurrection bodies is still ahead. But the peace of God? That is our present possession. That is something that belongs to us here and now. From the first moment that we place our faith in Christ, we can begin to experience the peace of God.

  • Homing Instinct

    Homing Instinct

    An old chorus begins, "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through." That is literally true. The Bible says that when you put your faith in Jesus Christ, you become a citizen of heaven because that is your real home.

  • Life in Two Dimensions

    Life in Two Dimensions

    Believers live in a spiritual dimension — where we walk in the Spirit and know God in the Spirit. Yet as human beings, we also live and move in physical bodies here on earth.