Herbie Newell
Ending Roe is just the beginning. We need to support women.
We must pray, most importantly, for the endurance and faith we will need to make sure the women and children affected by this decision will have the support they need. If we want to end abortion, the Supreme Court battle’s conclusion is just the beginning.
Honor women by lifting up biblical womanhood
March 8 is International Women’s Day, which presents a perfect opportunity to highlight Godly women who are a testament to Biblical womanhood, both in belief and in witness.
Unadopted: Following God's heart for orphaned children
I invite you to join me in showing 140 million children that they are indeed lovable, necessary and desired by God. Let’s pray that these children will one day be adopted by God and join His eternal family.
'A glimpse of heaven': Lessons we can learn from those with Down syndrome
Those living with special needs can teach us how to move past the wrongs others have done and to embrace instead community and hope as we pursue life together. How rich is the love of Christ Jesus, that He forgave us while we were in the heinous act of sinning — how much then shall we forgive those who wrong us.
3 ways churches can help families seeking int'l adoptions
Why, for instance, would someone care about another person half a world away whom they have never met? Why would a family open their doors to a stranger who, by this world’s standards, has nothing to offer?
A polarizing vaccine provides some pro-life hope
However, in all of the hype about the vaccine and FDA approval, let’s not miss that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) met recently and made a decision, that at least on the surface seems “pro-life.”
Peacemaker vs peacekeeper: Which one should Christians be?
There is a mammoth difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. Peacekeepers simply want to keep the peace and disguise true differences with fake unity, while true peacemakers act to unify people around a common mission more powerful than lesser differences.
Amy Coney Barrett and Orphan Sunday coming early
Of the children who reach this age and are sent out of the care of the orphanage, UNICEF notes that 60% of girls enter a life of sex trafficking, 70% of boys live a life of crime and/or are arrested.
Unexpected pregnancies during an already unexpected crisis
Rightly, we see abortion as murder and an affront against our Creator, but we must also see our apathy against the injustices toward life beyond the womb as the great co-conspirator against our fight for life.
Pandemic victim: International adoptions and indefinite wait
As countries closed their borders in response to the pandemic, children deprived of families were left in limbo waiting for their adoptive parents to be cleared for travel and bring them home.