Joyce Meyer
Christian Post Guest Columnist
Seize the Day, Every Day
Have you ever had one of those days when you were busy all day long but when you got to the end of it, you found you hadn't accomplished anything that you wanted or needed to do? It's so frustrating when this happens. And I know what this feels like.
You Can Say No to Strife
We've all experienced the effects of strife in one way or another. Strife can manifest itself through arguing, screaming and yelling. Other times, it can be more subtle, like when someone gives you "the silent treatment" and refuses to talk at all.
Don't Be Offended by Trouble
Do you ever get offended when something bad happens in your life? I know I have. It's an attitude that says, "Why is this happening?" or "This shouldn't be happening to me!"
Don't Take the Bait of Getting Offended
Do you ever get offended? Has someone ever hurt your feelings, opening the door for strife, anger or a damaged relationship?
The Benefits of a Humble Heart
In Matthew 12:33, Jesus says, "A tree is recognized by its fruit" (NIV). The point He is making here is that you and I are known by the fruit in our lives. And if we develop the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), God will be honored and others will be drawn to Him through us.
Peace: The Immediate Answer to Life's Frustrations
Peace is so important. Life isn't worth living if you don't have peace.
Discover the Power of a Renewed Mind
One of the greatest revelations of my life is: I can choose my thoughts and think things on purpose. In other words, I don't have to just think about whatever falls into my mind.
Finding Your Self-Worth Where It Matters Most
Every person on earth needs to know they matter … that they mean something to someone and that they are valuable. The problem is when people don't get a good start in life, they often waste their lives searching for self-worth in all the wrong places.
The Greatest Life Lesson I've Learned
If you've heard my testimony, you know I experienced abuse from my father throughout my childhood – mental, emotional and sexual abuse.
God's Strategy to Overcome Anger
Anger is a common problem and we all have opportunities to get angry. Sometimes people get hurt and instead of dealing with their anger, they hang on to it and become bitter, hard-hearted, and miserable.