Joyce Meyer

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • Is God Angry?

    Is God Angry?

    I grew up in an angry, unstable home. My father was very angry most of the time, and I didn't always understand what he was angry about. When I accepted Christ as my Savior, I took this experience with my father into my relationship with God. I believed God loved me and forgave me of my sin, but I still had this vague feeling that He wasn't pleased with me and He was just a little bit angry with me most of the time. I lived this way for years until I finally realized the truth: God is not mad at

  • Trust and Patience: Keys to God's Peace and Rest

    Trust and Patience: Keys to God's Peace and Rest

    Peace is one of the most precious gifts God has promised His children. I know, because for many years my life was not peaceful, and I was miserable. So, to now have this peace and live in God's rest is a treasure to me. And it is a gift that He wants all of us to have.

  • Peace on Purpose

    Peace on Purpose

    Most people would probably admit they'd like a little more peace in their lives. The question is, What will you do for it? Are you willing to change? Because that's what it may take to have a truly peaceful life.

  • Finding Your Way Out of the Wilderness

    Finding Your Way Out of the Wilderness

    We tend to shake our heads and think, "What was their problem? How could they miss it?" But the reality is, many Christians today are wandering in their own wilderness, rather than living the abundant life Jesus died to give them.

  • Is Your Mind 'Normal'?

    Is Your Mind 'Normal'?

    For many years I went to church faithfully, week after week, but I wasn't living a victorious Christian life. I read my Bible every day, served on the evangelism board and went door-to-door telling people about Jesus because I really wanted to serve God. But even though I was doing those things, I was still miserable most of the time.

  • Amazing Grace

    Amazing Grace

    If you've been a Christian for any amount of time, chances are you have struggled with frustrating habits or been disappointed by failures or just couldn't do "it." But once you have a revelation of God's grace in your life, you'll know just how amazing it is!

  • Overcome Doubt and Live With Bold Faith

    Overcome Doubt and Live With Bold Faith

    We all face storms in life. Some are more difficult than others, but we all go through trials and tribulation. That's why we have the gift of faith. Doubt is a type of "flaming arrow" that the enemy uses to attack our faith.

  • Letting God Into Every Room of Your Heart

    Letting God Into Every Room of Your Heart

    If we're going to really live the Christian life, we need to decide to surrender all of our heart and let God have access to every room in our "house." And when God asks us to surrender the things in the rooms of our heart, we need to get excited, because something greater is coming.

  • ALL You Need to Know to Live Stress-Free

    ALL You Need to Know to Live Stress-Free

    It seems many people are stressed-out, worn-out, overwhelmed and weary because of the demands of life. But in Christ, it's possible to live in God's rest and find relief from the burden of stress and worry. Jesus shows us how

  • It's Time for a Change!

    It's Time for a Change!

    Have you ever heard someone say, "Something needs to change!" Or maybe you've said it yourself. It's easy to feel this way when life gets stressful and we're overwhelmed. Change is a process, and it's often a lengthy one. It usually doesn't happen overnight