Julie Baumgardner

Julie Baumgardner

Op-ed contributor


  • Romance requires more than a dazzling date night

    Romance requires more than a dazzling date night

    This year, take advantage of the month of love to intentionally begin celebrating romance throughout the entire year.

  • Do finances in childhood impact your marriage? Research says yes

    Do finances in childhood impact your marriage? Research says yes

    Financial preparation can feel awkward, sensitive or even boring. But it is an essential part of marital preparation.

  • Engaging in healthy conflict with your spouse

    Engaging in healthy conflict with your spouse

    Not long ago, I was talking with a woman who shared that she and her husband never have conflict. I asked her how that was possible, and she said, “I go along to get along because it’s not safe to disagree with my spouse.” At that moment, my heart broke for her. Here was a woman who had silenced herself in the name of keeping “peace” in her household.