Karen Peake
Christian Today Reporter
Judges Ruling Too Narrowly in Christian Discrimination Cases, Says Group
Christians should be given some leeway to follow their beliefs in the workplace, the UK’s equality watchdog has determined. The Equality and Human Rights Commission said judges had interpreted the law “too narrowly” in cases where Christians had claimed religious discrimination.
Church Leader Advises South Sudan on Transitioning Successfuly Into Its Own Nation
As the Republic of South Sudan becomes the world’s newest country today, the Episcopal Church of the Sudan is pinning its hopes on a future of peace.
Poll: Religion, Faith Still Important to Most People
A new Ipsos MORI poll has found that religion still matters to most people in the world. Seven in 10 of those surveyed said they had a religion but there was a marked difference between Christians and Muslims when it came to the importance they placed on their faith.
Bishop Fears Genocide in Sudan Amid Secession
The Bishop of Kadugli is calling upon Christians worldwide to pray and fast ahead of South Sudan’s secession next month.
Christian Counselor May Be Kicked Out After Trying to 'Cure' Gay Man
A Christian psychotherapist has been found guilty of “professional malpractice” after trying to help a gay man become straight.
Politician Warns U.K. Christians Are Being Persecuted
British Christian M.P. David Simpson has raised his concern over the treatment of Christians in the United Kingdom and around the world in a debate in the House of Commons this week.
Mother Opens Up About Doubting God After Madeleine's Disappearance
Kate McCann has revealed the anger and confusion she felt towards God after her young daughter disappeared from the family’s holiday apartment in Portugal’s Praia da Luz four years ago.
Killing of Unarmed bin Laden Leaves Anglican Head 'Uncomfortable'
The spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion admitted on Thursday that he felt “very uncomfortable” with the killing of Osama bin Laden when he was unarmed.
Vatican: Bin Laden's Death an Opportunity for Growth of Peace
The Vatican has said that it hopes Osama bin Laden’s death will lead to the growth of peace and not hatred. “Faced with the death of a man, a Christian does not rejoice in anything, but reflects on the serious responsibility of everyone before God and man"
Scottish Missionary among Victims of Jerusalem Bombing
A woman who was killed when a bomb exploded in Jerusalem on Wednesday was a Scottish missionary.